Telling daughter that her coach is wrong

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May 17, 2012
As I have always said "I'm not paying $40 for hitting and fielding lessons for a high school coach to change the way she hits" most problems we have had revolves around hitting/bunting. Now if a college coach that my DD wanted to go to, or after she gets in college wants to change the way she plays go for it, shes already made it by then and the coach is paying for it from then on.....

Ever wonder why the paid hitting/pitching instructors don't coach their own team?
May 17, 2012
As I have always said "I'm not paying $40 for hitting and fielding lessons for a high school coach to change the way she hits" most problems we have had revolves around hitting/bunting. Now if a college coach that my DD wanted to go to, or after she gets in college wants to change the way she plays go for it, shes already made it by then and the coach is paying for it from then on.....

Ever wonder why the paid hitting/pitching instructors don't coach their own team?
Oct 4, 2011
I have found that professional coaches recognize that there may be more the. One way to skin a cat ant often are the I ones who are reluctant to undermine you with their kid.

Sometimes I hate auto correct on my lphone

Ha ha! I was texting my son the other day to let him know where I'd pick him up - he texted back "kk" but his iphone autocorrected it to "Klingon". I was very confused until he explained!

As to coaching - I agree that there will always be different ways to teach mechanics. DD's coach will attend at least one of each player's private lessons so he can understand what the player is being taught outside of practice, which is nice. I think that it is OK to tell the team coach about a difference in mechanics opinion, though I believe this must done by the player herself, rather than her parents.

14U, High school level and beyond is a no brainer - in fact our daughters usually make it abundantly clear that we should butt out. Younger ages are really tough. The parent should treat his/her relationship with the coach as a partnership. When the player is complaining at home the parent should back up the coach 100%. Later, after the emotions have passed, the parent can help the player advocate for herself and figure out how she can better her experience (for example, if she really wants to play 3d base, practicing third and then asking the coach if she can show him her new and improved prowess as a 3d baseman)
Feb 8, 2009
As I have always said "I'm not paying $40 for hitting and fielding lessons for a high school coach to change the way she hits" most problems we have had revolves around hitting/bunting. Now if a college coach that my DD wanted to go to, or after she gets in college wants to change the way she plays go for it, shes already made it by then and the coach is paying for it from then on.....

Ive encountered the tug of war between coach and hitting instructor from both sides. My kids went to a very reputable area hitting instructor. He had spent many years in AAA and the majors before being forced to retire. A friend of mine was the travel coach who didnt appreciate hearing "thats not how my hitting coach does it". Ive experienced a little of it as a coach. I really dont fight that battle. They are paying the money. Performance on the field will dtermine what course mom and dad choose.
Oct 25, 2009
It used to frustrate me when dealing with players who already knew how to hit. Now, I just try to remember that there are enough players on the teams that do want some instruction to occupy all the time I have. Unless it's something major I'm going to be happy with what I've got.

Besides, I should be open to learning, myself.
Jul 26, 2010
I spent the first 14 years of my daughters life trying my best to teach her right from wrong. If I still need to tell her, I already failed.

Feb 17, 2013
What if the HS coach is right and the guy you are paying $40 to every lesson is wrong? Would it be difficult to admit the guy you are paying is wrong because that might reflect on you, so its easier to decide its the HS coach is wrong?

not saying it is in your case, but there are plenty of instructors who are paid good money who don't know jack about hitting, fielding and pitching. Especially pitching. Every guy with a girl who goes to college all of a sudden becomes a pitching guru.

I had a player exactly like this. Dad was paying a boatload of money to a "professional" hitting instructor and her average was steadiuly dropping until she dropped several spots in the line up. We talked and talked but the parents wouldn't listen. They finally quit saying we didn't know how to coach hitting. Despite the fact that our 12U team hit over 400 playing 14U ball. Now our pitchers look forward to playing her because her swing is so messed up by this guy she's a very easy K.
May 7, 2008
I have a 16 yr. old student that is a soph. She is learning to pitch and has thrown some innings. Her wind up (pre-motion) was all convoluted and all over the place. With her hands together, she would take the ball up high and over the back of her head. Then, come down, separate the hands and swing the ball way up behind her. Then, she would push the ball, at release - with the biggest shoulder shrug I have ever seen.

So, I eliminated all of the pre-motion and worked on what she really needed, learning to pull the ball instead of push it.

She came in this weekend and said that she had been "stiff, with some minor soreness." "Amy, the pitching coach at the HS, makes me have the really big pre-motion up over my head." So, I said "Who is she?" She is the coach's daughter. She told my student that she is going to strain something, w/o a pre motion.
We discussed the problem and they said that the head coach is all about preventing injuries, so they might have a chance with him, but not the daughter.

I had her bring the arms straight up and out from the chest, but not over her head. And then, add the back swing. But, I do explain to her what is correct and how to teach younger girls.
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