Strike Zone

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Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
Actually, I start every year with telling the new umpires that we are all there for one reason or another, but whether it is because you enjoy the game or need the money, there is no reason not to do your best to do it right, with the correct mechanics, hustle, uniform & equipment.

Of course, there are what I call "greens" that are there solely for the money. They shortcut anywhere they can and still get plenty of games. That is because the better umpires will avoid leagues/conferences/tournaments where the players and coaches are known to be a little on the aggressive side. So, you know where the greens end up?

IMO, no matter why you are going anything, there is no excuse for not giving 100% to do it correctly.

Jun 18, 2012
"...there is no excuse for not giving 100% to do it correctly."

Giving 100% may well be a necessary condition, but it's not a sufficient condition. How so? As is the case in coaching or any other position of responsibility like coaching and umping, 100% from SOME just isn't enough to maintain the integrity of the game. How so? Just like some people should never get into coaching, some should never be allowed to umpire.
Nov 14, 2011
During a tournament we played in a few weeks ago, our batter was at the plate early in the game. The pitcher has a ton of movement and was missing her spots. The opposing coach politely asked where the pitch was when a ball was called. The HU politely responded to where it was. Everything was going good. But as the pitcher kept missing her spots, and the coach kept asking locations, the HU became more irritated. About the 5th or 6th batter into the inning the coach started yelling "C'mon Blue!" "Really!" "Wow!" after every ball called. At that point our batter heard the HU tell the catcher "Her strike zone just got smaller". Our batter couldn't believe that the HU would say it, but he did.
Jun 29, 2013
Depends on how you ask.....

True, and most good umpires, if not all, can distinguish. There's nothing in the OP's posts to suggest he was being an A.H. about it, or implying anything more than incredulity at why some pitches aren't called strikes. As for waiting until an inning ends, yes, that is the best way, but not the only way to ask. Asking where is she missing, even with a tone of voice suggesting frustration, should never be considered anything more than a legitimate question If a HC keeps asking, or acts like the one described by ms244, then you start crossing the line.
Nov 14, 2011
Providing that this is accurate, why would a HU want to take his frustrations with a coach out on a young girl?

It did happen. Both the batter and catcher (we know her from a previous team) told the same story after the game.

So.... How does a HU justify this action? We all know that this happens, but for a HU to say it during a game?

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