Sqishing the Bug

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Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
It's too complicated.
It's too hard.
I don't have enough time.
Good enough is fine.
Can't I just pay someone to do it for me.

IMO, the sooner one recognizes that the truth is that there are no shortcuts, magic bullets, or quick fixes, the sooner and better the chances are that a kid will learn that nothing comes without committing one's time and effort to achieve something.
Aug 28, 2012
The thread gets WAYYYY off course from post 26 to 38...and yeah...I contributed to the detriment of the post by chiming in. Remember... this was a post about getting rid of squish the bug, or spinning the back foot.

Heh... those are the very posts that tell one how to avoid having to ever deal with squishing the bug. :)

It totally makes sense that you would say they are off topic given your other posts. I can't think of a bigger contributor to squishing the bug than "firing the hips" (aside from an outright teaching of squish the bug).
Aug 2, 2011
I don't see how there can even be an argument about teaching squishing the bug. To my knowledge, one of the most important parts of the swing is to have the weight transfer to the front foot. Squishing the bug prevents this. It also conveys the false idea that the power of the swing is coming from the batter planting and pushing off their rear foot. I can't imagine teaching this for some short term benefit.

So, what initiates the swing if not the firing of the hips? What would you tell a young hitter is the trigger––the first thing to move forward toward the ball? Is it all one continuous progression of movements that shouldn't be dissected in the way I am attempting? Thanks!
Jul 17, 2012
Post 26...folks were explaining how squishing the bug is ok. They feel it is ok to teach seemingly because it is easier. I feel and explained that squishing the bug blows out any mechanical advantages. I also feel absolutely any parent can learn and teach there kid what the best do up to bat. It is not difficult. It is no harder then teaching squishing the bug. Those that start with a clean slate and realize they know nithing, learn it so much faster then those that think they already know something...and definately faster then those that accept less as good enough.

"Fixing bug squishing"....I have seen dozens and dozens of parents on here looking for quick fixes. Then they are back in 6 months looking for a quick fix concerning something else. Then they are back .......They would save themselves headaches by simply learning a quality swing from their first visit, instead of putting band aids on their holes.

Finally thought...I post what I think will help people the most at that time (well most of the time I do)....with that in mind I post and will continue to post absolutely anything I feel like...whether I think someone will like it or not!

Nothing against you RHC.... Get good stuff from you all the time, and sorry....didn't mean to imply you were the reason the post went off...it was a general statement how it feels like every question that gets asked on here about a specific issue gets rewired into a conversation between the same couple of folks. It's like a few folks sit...waiting for someone new to sell their vacuum cleaner to. And god forbid someone else brings "Their" vacuum cleaner in and tries to give it a whirl... they get bood out of town...even if they are selling the same machine... but describing with a different word/phrase.

The point I have been trying to make is also pointed out in this thread. It's been said that this takes time... and a lot of work...and there are no silver bullets. I couldn't agree more... so then why try and wrap the whole package up in one magical fix?

So I'm sure from the OP's original post, we all imagine the young lady leaning back, weight on her back foot spinning to swing... why not just suggest she learn to keep the weight distributed and geta good forward move to a balanced hitting position... When she gets that...see how everything else develops.

Instead we get WAYYY too deep into the weeds and lose everyone...except a select few here that really enjoy being there (in the weeds). Look up guys...this is hitting practical.. is it not? I thought you all only had passes for the HT forum? lol

Well, I guess my message isn't well taken here... so I'll just pack up my gear and head back to the pitching forums....

Ohhh.... Five...you don't have an avatar...how's this?

Jul 17, 2012
It's too complicated.
It's too hard.
I don't have enough time.
Good enough is fine.
Can't I just pay someone to do it for me.

IMO, the sooner one recognizes that the truth is that there are no shortcuts, magic bullets, or quick fixes, the sooner and better the chances are that a kid will learn that nothing comes without committing one's time and effort to achieve something.

Don't know if this was pointed at me.. but it couldn't be further from my mindset.... My side of this discussion is to first learn to walk... then you can work on jogging and eventually run. So yeah...lots of time, commitment, and hard work.
Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR
Nothing against you RHC.... Get good stuff from you all the time, and sorry....didn't mean to imply you were the reason the post went off...it was a general statement how it feels like every question that gets asked on here about a specific issue gets rewired into a conversation between the same couple of folks. It's like a few folks sit...waiting for someone new to sell their vacuum cleaner to. And god forbid someone else brings "Their" vacuum cleaner in and tries to give it a whirl... they get bood out of town...even if they are selling the same machine... but describing with a different word/phrase.

The point I have been trying to make is also pointed out in this thread. It's been said that this takes time... and a lot of work...and there are no silver bullets. I couldn't agree more... so then why try and wrap the whole package up in one magical fix?

So I'm sure from the OP's original post, we all imagine the young lady leaning back, weight on her back foot spinning to swing... why not just suggest she learn to keep the weight distributed and geta good forward move to a balanced hitting position... When she gets that...see how everything else develops.

Instead we get WAYYY too deep into the weeds and lose everyone...except a select few here that really enjoy being there (in the weeds). Look up guys...this is hitting practical.. is it not? I thought you all only had passes for the HT forum? lol

Well, I guess my message isn't well taken here... so I'll just pack up my gear and head back to the pitching forums....

Ohhh.... Five...you don't have an avatar...how's this?

View attachment 4827

FR ... we like you ... we respect you ... that is why we attempted to have a discussion with you.

Noon explained the disagreement quite clearly. He gave helpful links, and within them were more helpful links .... links of information that he put together when he earlier went through this ... and he left posts for others to learn from.

Like I said ... we like you, otherwise we wouldn't bother to discuss the topic. For whatever reason you have decided to place more energy at not discussing this topic ... and that is of course your choice.

Stick around ... you have portions of good input ... and I'm sure there will be topics that you indeed wish to go through the details on.

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