Sqishing the Bug

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Oct 10, 2011
Pacific Northwest
Please explain again, why are the two hip joints, the top of the bottom, and not the pelvis?

I think NOON, hit upon a great misconception, that the turning the hips faster, creates more bat speed.

In this clip I am battling two things. One, that he is holding his coil, because if he was, how can his leg move away from the plate?

Another, swingbulder says that the rear hip PULLS, the pelvis, I see a push, but I can almost grasp that concept, but, not quite.

in order to pull, would not the knee, have to be in front of the pelvis?


As for squishing the bug, I guess you can keep your weight on your foot, your heal can finish further back than where it starts, but not really be squishing the bug, because you are holding your coil.
AKA, Barry Bonds.
Jul 17, 2012
What is the downside of slowing your hips?

Or why do you want your hips faster?

If the hips slow down...then the rest of the swing slows down. That's not to say my goal is to just fling my hips open as fast as I can. They need to rotate with power and tempo. The faster I can get my hips moving without losing the rest of my body... the quicker I can get the bat to the contact zone.... that gives me more time to see the pitch... so what if I sacrifice 10% of my power? After all...I'm not trying to hit the ball over the fence on every pitch....I'm trying to square up on a ball that may be chainging plane in more than one dimension... the longer I can "see" the ball, the better off I am.
Jul 17, 2012
Guys... there are a thousand micro movements we can look at in these swings. Bottom line is... in order to even address 1% of them... the basic fundamentals need to be in place. I can't help but get the feel that folks here "over analyze" things to prove how smart they are... there is something called paralasis by analysis...and it seems to happen often here. Replace the swing of Miggy with a posters kid on here asking for feedabck and you all would find 10 things wrong with it... I found 2......and I'm not all that smart. I addresed the OP's question about STB and I'll argue til I turn blue in the face that I'm on to the "why". It's not that complicated. Bring in 50 posts of "PARALYSIS" and you dilute the original content and turn every post into a "here's the perfect swiong...do it this way". Some of us are quite satisfied in solving one riddle at a time.... but at the same time...understanding the solution....without having to be quizzed on the next 10 questions that have yet to be asked. I hear a lot of reference to the "Hanson Principle"... I'd like to see more usage of the "KISS" method. After all...we're mostly dealing with young girls that are nowhere near the level of the athletes we're using in our "PARALYSIS"
Jul 10, 2008
Central PA
Guys... there are a thousand micro movements we can look at in these swings. Bottom line is... in order to even address 1% of them... the basic fundamentals need to be in place. I can't help but get the feel that folks here "over analyze" things to prove how smart they are... there is something called paralasis by analysis...and it seems to happen often here. Replace the swing of Miggy with a posters kid on here asking for feedabck and you all would find 10 things wrong with it... I found 2......and I'm not all that smart. I addresed the OP's question about STB and I'll argue til I turn blue in the face that I'm on to the "why". It's not that complicated. Bring in 50 posts of "PARALYSIS" and you dilute the original content and turn every post into a "here's the perfect swiong...do it this way". Some of us are quite satisfied in solving one riddle at a time.... but at the same time...understanding the solution....without having to be quizzed on the next 10 questions that have yet to be asked. I hear a lot of reference to the "Hanson Principle"... I'd like to see more usage of the "KISS" method. After all...we're mostly dealing with young girls that are nowhere near the level of the athletes we're using in our "PARALYSIS"

The absolutes of the swing really aren't that complicated. You need a proper sequence which includes:
1. a load into the back side
2. a stretch between the lower and upper half ("coil forward" while "creating a corner"), and
3. a swing that puts the barrel on the most efficient path to hit the ball with the most power (firing the stretch bottom to top with "barrel turn" into "triangle turn").

Now, how to teach those basics in the most efficient way is what sparks a lot of the discussions on the board. That's a good thing. Everyone is coming at this with different backgrounds and experiences, so what is "paralysis by analysis" for one person is what "clicks" for another.

Figuring out what you're looking at/for is the hardest part sometimes. Try not to get frustrated. Read and learn and apply what works for you and your hitter. Then keep learning. The more you do, the more you'll understand why some people get so into the minutiae of the swing. What you put into it is what you'll get out of it.
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Dec 26, 2008
Guys... there are a thousand micro movements we can look at in these swings. Bottom line is... in order to even address 1% of them... the basic fundamentals need to be in place. I can't help but get the feel that folks here "over analyze" things to prove how smart they are... there is something called paralasis by analysis...and it seems to happen often here. Replace the swing of Miggy with a posters kid on here asking for feedabck and you all would find 10 things wrong with it... I found 2......and I'm not all that smart. I addresed the OP's question about STB and I'll argue til I turn blue in the face that I'm on to the "why". It's not that complicated. Bring in 50 posts of "PARALYSIS" and you dilute the original content and turn every post into a "here's the perfect swiong...do it this way". Some of us are quite satisfied in solving one riddle at a time.... but at the same time...understanding the solution....without having to be quizzed on the next 10 questions that have yet to be asked. I hear a lot of reference to the "Hanson Principle"... I'd like to see more usage of the "KISS" method. After all...we're mostly dealing with young girls that are nowhere near the level of the athletes we're using in our "PARALYSIS"


A lot of the ladies will be done with fastpitch after HS and the vast majority of the ones continuing on after HS are done by 25 (and then learning a new swing for slow pitch “if” they continue playing) so, it is important to understand that growth is a process,physical and mental when talking hitting or any other type of instruction.

The earlier the ladies can start the process the more chance of “better” growth and development in the process.
KIS is a good model for chunking or breaking down instruction in small manageable bites while exploring the basics or foundations that get lost by parents/coaches looking for that elusive HR/power swing.

Better to start with the basics like equipment/safety then move on...I see too many young players with wrong equipment or do not understand the equipment they are using or how to use it safe but dad wants them to swing like a pro at 10:rolleyes:
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Oct 19, 2009
Guys... there are a thousand micro movements we can look at in these swings. Bottom line is... in order to even address 1% of them... the basic fundamentals need to be in place. I can't help but get the feel that folks here "over analyze" things to prove how smart they are... there is something called paralasis by analysis...and it seems to happen often here. Replace the swing of Miggy with a posters kid on here asking for feedabck and you all would find 10 things wrong with it... I found 2......and I'm not all that smart. I addresed the OP's question about STB and I'll argue til I turn blue in the face that I'm on to the "why". It's not that complicated. Bring in 50 posts of "PARALYSIS" and you dilute the original content and turn every post into a "here's the perfect swiong...do it this way". Some of us are quite satisfied in solving one riddle at a time.... but at the same time...understanding the solution....without having to be quizzed on the next 10 questions that have yet to be asked. I hear a lot of reference to the "Hanson Principle"... I'd like to see more usage of the "KISS" method. After all...we're mostly dealing with young girls that are nowhere near the level of the athletes we're using in our "PARALYSIS"

FR you make a lot great points and I appreciate you’re your post, sometimes we forget about KISS and get too technical and I will including myself, with these youngsters.

Bill Hillhouse made a point in one of his post that sometimes you just have to get up there and hit, not an exact quote, but this is how I understood his point.

I found Bill's quote not as I remembered, but a great point by Bill.

Sorry Bill for the error.

But the time has come for people to start teaching how to hit the ball too. And that is not so easy for someone who hasn't played.
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Aug 28, 2012
If the hips slow down...then the rest of the swing slows down. That's not to say my goal is to just fling my hips open as fast as I can. They need to rotate with power and tempo. The faster I can get my hips moving without losing the rest of my body... the quicker I can get the bat to the contact zone.... that gives me more time to see the pitch... so what if I sacrifice 10% of my power? After all...I'm not trying to hit the ball over the fence on every pitch....I'm trying to square up on a ball that may be chainging plane in more than one dimension... the longer I can "see" the ball, the better off I am.

Thanks for the reply!
Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR
Let me be more direct ...

Is the sudden plea for a lack of details because of the comments FR received to his statement ... "A lot of the swings I "See" appear to give the impression that the hips fire against the tension that should already have been created in the rear leg as a result of the coil around the back hip."?

I can appreciate that everyone isn’t interested in the details. Some of us believe in the line that “winning is in the details”, and others simply don’t believe in that.

IMO the information given by Noon, RHC and myself on this topic was useful information. Rather than discuss the topic there is suddenly a lack of interest in the details.

Whatever works I suppose. See ball, hit ball.

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