Sqishing the Bug

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Oct 10, 2011
Pacific Northwest
Still looking for examples of what people find over complicated in this thread.

I asked to many questions at the same time.

It is the PRACTICAL side.

So to be practical, coach Dennis is ok with contacting the ball, swinging and putting the ball in play.

I also, let lots of things go, in my girls swings. especially during the season.

If they are hitting well, I tend to say good enough, but it hurts me inside.

But good enough, is not my goal.
Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR
I asked to many questions at the same time.

It is the PRACTICAL side.

So to be practical, coach Dennis is ok with contacting the ball, swinging and putting the ball in play.

I also, let lots of things go, in my girls swings. especially during the season.

If they are hitting well, I tend to say good enough, but it hurts me inside.

But good enough, is not my goal.

Sorry Mann ... I do tend to pass over your posts. If you will give the link to your post then I'll respond to it.
Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR
Please explain again, why are the two hip joints, the top of the bottom, and not the pelvis?

I think NOON, hit upon a great misconception, that the turning the hips faster, creates more bat speed.

In this clip I am battling two things. One, that he is holding his coil, because if he was, how can his leg move away from the plate?

Another, swingbulder says that the rear hip PULLS, the pelvis, I see a push, but I can almost grasp that concept, but, not quite.

in order to pull, would not the knee, have to be in front of the pelvis?


As for squishing the bug, I guess you can keep your weight on your foot, your heal can finish further back than where it starts, but not really be squishing the bug, because you are holding your coil.
AKA, Barry Bonds.

Mann, I believe this is the post that you asked me to comment on.

When I first glanced at this post I was under the impression that you were intentionally trying to get things incorrect to prompt a discussion ... and so I passed on it.

Please explain again, why are the two hip joints, the top of the bottom, and not the pelvis?

Who is speaking of the hips being the “top of the bottom”? Generally I read the opposite … that is, the hips being the “bottom of the top”.

I think NOON, hit upon a great misconception, that the turning the hips faster, creates more bat speed.

A batter can certainly overdo the lower body effort level to the detriment of their swing. Faster does not always equate to more powerful. Go at 100% with the lower body and synchronization will be jeopardized ... severely. Understand what SB means when he speaks of getting the rear leg into a state of "reacting" ... he is automating the synchronization ... which is key. You don't want to over use the lower body to the point of destroying critical synchronization.

I believe it was Williams that spoke of the lower body effort being at the 80%-85% effort level.

In this clip I am battling two things. One, that he is holding his coil, because if he was, how can his leg move away from the plate?

As Noon explained, people don’t see things instantly … the information sinks in with time. If you keep plugging away at it then you’ll get it. The rear hip is not “uncoiling” in this clip … it coils and then remains in a state of coil through contact.

Another, swingbulder says that the rear hip PULLS, the pelvis, I see a push, but I can almost grasp that concept, but, not quite.

in order to pull, would not the knee, have to be in front of the pelvis?


Please double check … I thought SB commented that the “rear leg” pulls the “rear hip”. He's given accompanying GIFs that make it clear what he's describing IMO. See if you can see the rear upper leg lead. Check Noon's posts on the topic ... which are well done IMO.

As for squishing the bug, I guess you can keep your weight on your foot, your heal can finish further back than where it starts, but not really be squishing the bug, because you are holding your coil.
AKA, Barry Bonds.

I’d have to know exactly the swing segments you are discussing when you speak of the rear heel ending up further back towards the catcher. Are you speaking of the re-coil?

Understand that the issue with ‘squishing the bug’ has to do with spinning and the lack of proper action occurring in the rear hip area. When commenting about someone squishing the bug, look there to see if there is indeed an issue.
Aug 2, 2011
I agree when FR was pointing out how things can get overcomplicated quickly when teaching a young softball player to swing correctly. There is a definite art to teaching the swing, and even the most knowledgeable hitting instructor can be terrible hitting coach. That said, the more a coach understands how a swing actually unfolds, the better, so anyone coaching should try his/her best to understand even the finest details of the swing like FFS and others delineate here.

You might say that analyzing the swing is a science but teaching it to a hitter is an art.

So, one thing new to me that I am trying to understand is how FFS and others are saying that the firing of the hips is the result of the swing not the mover of it. I have always thought that firing the rear hip was the way to initiate the swing. Do any of you guys mind restating the idea? I have read it a # of times and don't get it.
Dec 26, 2008
I asked to many questions at the same time.

It is the PRACTICAL side.

So to be practical, coach Dennis is ok with contacting the ball, swinging and putting the ball in play.

I also, let lots of things go, in my girls swings. especially during the season.

If they are hitting well, I tend to say good enough, but it hurts me inside.

But good enough, is not my goal.

I like your passion for hitting however; you have obviously misunderstood or misread my previous post…

As was posted by several others; the little details must “start” with the basic fundamentals. These basic fundamentals needs to be taught over and over again in various ways in order to build the swing.
It is nice to be able to break down a swing like you are discussing however; most young ladies will not have truly developed their swing to a point where it can be analyzed that close until much closer to the end of their playing days at 16 and above.

Most hitters under 16 still have basic foundation or balance issues that need to be addressed before going into this kind of detail and as the ladies get in slumps it generally relates to a breakdown in fundamentals.

If you start early enough you can bring the player along while continually reaffirming what they have learned. Add in proper diet, strength training, and the needed hitting resources you might develop the model swing of a MLB player…Maybe….Having seen thousands of the best players around the country in NFCA combines or top showcase events I can say maybe 10 to 20 have developed to a point where this type of critique or MLB comparisons may be of some value.
With that being said, one should strive to master their craft (coaches as well as players) and these discussions are part of that proccess.
Jul 17, 2012
Still looking for examples of what people find over complicated in this thread.
The thread gets WAYYYY off course from post 26 to 38...and yeah...I contributed to the detriment of the post by chiming in. Remember... this was a post about getting rid of squish the bug, or spinning the back foot.
Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR
The thread gets WAYYYY off course from post 26 to 38...and yeah...I contributed to the detriment of the post by chiming in. Remember... this was a post about getting rid of squish the bug, or spinning the back foot.

Understand that your post comes across as an excuse for not answering the question ... But that is your prerogative. All the best to you.


Out on good behavior
May 8, 2009
The thread gets WAYYYY off course from post 26 to 38...and yeah...I contributed to the detriment of the post by chiming in. Remember... this was a post about getting rid of squish the bug, or spinning the back foot.

Post 26...folks were explaining how squishing the bug is ok. They feel it is ok to teach seemingly because it is easier. I feel and explained that squishing the bug blows out any mechanical advantages. I also feel absolutely any parent can learn and teach there kid what the best do up to bat. It is not difficult. It is no harder then teaching squishing the bug. Those that start with a clean slate and realize they know nithing, learn it so much faster then those that think they already know something...and definately faster then those that accept less as good enough.

"Fixing bug squishing"....I have seen dozens and dozens of parents on here looking for quick fixes. Then they are back in 6 months looking for a quick fix concerning something else. Then they are back .......They would save themselves headaches by simply learning a quality swing from their first visit, instead of putting band aids on their holes.

Finally thought...I post what I think will help people the most at that time (well most of the time I do)....with that in mind I post and will continue to post absolutely anything I feel like...whether I think someone will like it or not!
Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR
RHC ... There was a questionable statement made. You, Noon and I attempted to add clarity.

Then the person that made the questionable statement went on a rant about the details being too complicated.

When questioned on what was over complicated the issue became that the topic had shifted.

Get the picture?

Thread over.
Aug 1, 2008
I like your passion for hitting however; you have obviously misunderstood or misread my previous post…

As was posted by several others; the little details must “start” with the basic fundamentals. These basic fundamentals needs to be taught over and over again in various ways in order to build the swing.
It is nice to be able to break down a swing like you are discussing however; most young ladies will not have truly developed their swing to a point where it can be analyzed that close until much closer to the end of their playing days at 16 and above.

Most hitters under 16 still have basic foundation or balance issues that need to be addressed before going into this kind of detail and as the ladies get in slumps it generally relates to a breakdown in fundamentals.

If you start early enough you can bring the player along while continually reaffirming what they have learned. Add in proper diet, strength training, and the needed hitting resources you might develop the model swing of a MLB player…Maybe….Having seen thousands of the best players around the country in NFCA combines or top showcase events I can say maybe 10 to 20 have developed to a point where this type of critique or MLB comparisons may be of some value.
With that being said, one should strive to master their craft (coaches as well as players) and these discussions are part of that proccess.

My DD had the pleasure of playing for coach dennis a few years back. Quality coach. Coach Dennis has been around the best and always had a tough team to compete against.
His DD also hits the heck out of the ball and plays in college. I believe this is her freshman year.Look at the guns on that girl :cool:

Coach Dennis is also a teacher by trade so , he knows his way around kids and parents.

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