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Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
Start with a well written request letter that explains how the money will be utilized. Look to parents first to ask their employers. Offer incentives like putting their company logo on a team banner and sending them team photos or plaques, and create a sponsor page on the team Facebook page. Explain to them that its a charitable donation and could possibly be written off their taxes. For large sponsors, ($1000 and up) offer to put their logo on the uniform. (Typically on the thigh of the pants)
That should get you started. Good luck, James
Oct 22, 2009
Local dentists (especially if one of your players goes to them), beverage supply companies, and automotive repair shops are very good places to start if you are looking for low- to mid-range sponsors ($100 to $250). We put their logos on our banner and on our team website with links. Instead of a check, some local businesses might donate goods or services that you can use as a raffle item. And if you are using an indoor training facility, sometimes you can get them to give you an extra week or two of indoor training in exchange for a sponsorship. All these little things add up to an extra tournament or two during the season. I've never had a sponsor write a big check ($1000 or more), but with help from the team parents, you can do quite well with lots of small ones.
Jun 29, 2013
Go online and fill out the sponsorship info for murphy's oil it's only $150 but basically everyone gets approved also there are many others that you can fill out online ei.dicks academy chevron nationwide and many others,just type in sponsorship request into google and many are available (many will need your tax I.D. Number(assuming you are a non-profit org.)
Jun 23, 2013
In addition to the above recommendations, I also suggest gathering a few of the girls to make the presentation to the businesses where you are seeking sponsorship. We always had 3-4 of the girls introduce themselves and give a brief introduction to our TB team, emphasizing that they are not just a normal rec team, but that they travel all over the place and play 75+ games a year. You would be surprised at how many people don't realize 11 year old girls play at that level. We found that once people understood what they did, they were much more willing to sponsor. We got several @ the $500-and-above level which was our "Premium" sponsor level. These were places we just walked into and let the girls do their thing.

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