Soft Slap Defense with runners on base

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Aug 4, 2012
Hey All,

While facing teams with multiple soft slappers (not great a power slap) what is the best defense in thwarting them with runners on base and less than two outs? Runner on first...need to keep SS back at least on baseline for steal, right? With runner on 2nd, same defense for SS to cover third or a steal? We are going up against two hitters that I know are lefty soft slap at the 12U/13U level. Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Allergic to BS
Nov 14, 2014
The danger of a slapper is the ability to put the ball in the right place and their speed. Otherwise, it's just another routine ground ball. The best defense is solid fielding and accurate throws. You can bring the infield in a bit, but don't make your defense more vulnerable to stolen bases just because a slapper comes up.
Nov 9, 2021
5 infielders isn't a bad option. I'm always amazed more teams don't employ that especially at a young age.

Seeing more colleges use it and those are much more advanced slappers.

I like this a lot. Love keeping the shortstop in the 5/6 hole on slappers. Move second base to other side of the bag, move right fielder(or more versatile outfielder) to second base. Original second basemen can cover the steal, and less holes for them to punch the ball through. If they can pull the ball to right congratulations. Keep those pitches on the outside and let your fielders work.

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May 27, 2013
We always brought 2B and 3B in,1B played back, and SS would move in where they were pretty even with the baseline allowing them to still cover the steal. Anything soft up the 1B line was for the P to try and grab since 1B stayed back.

If they can only truly soft slap you will make them nervous with bringing 3B and 2B in. You should also be moving your OF way in to catch the little bloops that can make it over the 3B or 2B head.

If hit to left side of field where both 3B and SS are charging in, make sure P or LF knows to cover 3B so that you don’t let that runner already on 1B make it all the way to 3B.

This is why it is soooo much better for a slapper to learn to hard slap and swing away - soft-slapping will only get you so far unless you have blazing speed.

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