Shoulder at pitch finish (video)

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Oct 16, 2014
^^^^My thoughts exactly.^^^^
She absolutely is forcing I/R here... I/R should be smooth and effortless. No emphasis should be put into it. It will happen naturally if all of her resistance points and brush are good and in sync.

Maybe she's muscling it a little on some pitches. It's not every time. I just notice it after release sometimes in her follow through her hand continued to rotate in and it pulls her shoulder. Kind of similar to what you see Sarah's shoulder do here at the O:10 mark but a little more exaggerated . I was just wondering if it's something that can hurt her shoulder. I know it's hard to tell without a video. I'm working on it. I'm also locked out of my YouTube acct
Oct 1, 2014
KneeHigh - my DD has done (and still does at times) that exact same thing. Forcing it, muscling it and rolling that shoulder over and forward. She's been working hard to reduce it and let a more relaxed transfer of energy occur.
Jun 19, 2013
I'm so glad you posted those pictures Ken. I see this ending position a LOT on very successful pitchers. I haven't seen JJ Squeeze on here lately (where are you JJ??) but his daughter was killing it at a young age and had this same ending on some of her pitches.
Oct 16, 2014
I'm ok with a follow through as long as the torso is in the 45 degree range at release.

Thanks Ken, yes I think she may have a tendency to rotate her torso in a little more than she should at times, which could be what starts this chain reaction, or is at least a part of it. She's just 11 so we constantly check and work on stuff......always working :)
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Oct 16, 2014
Without seeing her in action, it's tough to tell if there is muscling or just a follow through.

I know. :)
It may be a little of both. She got IR pretty early on (age 10) and has a good arm whip. I think she may muscle it occasionally. and I think her torso maybe rotates more than it should occasionally. I will continue to try to get the video. I was mostly concerned if finishing this way will hurt her shoulder

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