Scary Day for Us!

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Jun 18, 2012
Thank you all so much! We really do appreciate your thoughts and prayers. Nothing quite like this "quasi" family here at DFP. There are a lot of wonderful folks here.

She's only now realizing just how lucky she is that she didn't land just a bit harder and didn't damage her spinal cord. She's also now realizing the drawn-out pain that is associated with her injury and the annoyance of the torso brace she has to wear.

I'll tell you what.... These kind of things really scare parents. I reminded her of what I'm always telling her... "Honey, someday your brain will fully develop." and "You don't yet understand your limitations." We, as parents, can only hope that these learning moments aren't too severe. I doubt she'll try and out do her brother again on a ski jump. By the way, brother botched his jump just prior to DD trying to out jump him.
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Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
As a member of the male gender, if you don't get to age 25 without at least 5 stories that start out 'I could of/should of died/seriously injured myself', then you didn't live your childhood right.

Personally I was happy to try almost anything... I have at least 10 stories that start this way and many others that are borderline. And every now and then an old friend reminds me about another incident when when reflected on adds to this number and reminds me of how risky something was which was not something that occurred to me when I was in my youth.

My body may be beat up, but I have some fantastic memories. Hopefully this turns onto one for your DD (i.e. "remember when I tried a ski jump I probably shouldn't of")
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Jul 19, 2014
Madison, WI
As a member of the male gender, if you don't get to age 25 without at least 5 stories that start out 'I could of/should of died/seriously injured myself', then you didn't live your childhood right.

Personally I was happy to try almost anything... I have at least 10 stories that start this way and many others that are borderline. And every now and then an old friend reminds me about another incident when when reflected on adds to this number and reminds me of how risky something was which was not something that occurred to me when I was in my youth.

My body may be beat up, but I have some fantastic memories. Hopefully this turns onto one for your DD (i.e. "remember when I tried a ski jump I probably shouldn't of")

I like this. I was just going over in my head the other day all the times I should have died or been seriously injured.

I remember what my younger brother, who has had numerous bike injuries, told me after I got a nasty broken arm from a bike wreck. You can risk your health doing something you love, or else die of a heart attack being a couch potato. Which is more fun?

I really kind of held my breath when I read about a spinal injury, though. A former student of mine, an Olympic gymnast, wound up as a quadriplegic after a training exercise. Someone didn't place the floor mat correctly.

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