Same summer ball team as high school team???

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Jan 27, 2010
Why did you start a team when you had a good org to play for? Are you that much more qualified than the HC? If not you may just be causing waves for DD.
Jul 16, 2013
Personally I like the idea of DD playing for different coaches. Having her be exposed to different philosophies and environments helps her grow, imo. In addition to her primary tb team she also played as a pickup for two other teams last year. I believe these experiences had a positive influence on her. However I would be concerned about any one of those coaches trying to change something that she is working hard to succeed at. For example, her HS is in favor of HE mechanics and I am already stressed about that. She is currrently in 8th grade.
Jan 27, 2010
I didn't mean to imply you are not better, but perhaps something you should ask yourself. I don't like the idea of HS coaches doing that but it's what you have. Maybe work within the district and see if they will change that. I don't think that is allowed everywhere.
Jul 26, 2010
You don't want to coach your own kid in HS, that' just not right.

A really good friend of mine coached his daughter since she was 7 until she graduated HS. She got a really nice scholarship as a 2nd baseman to a really good school. She's a sophomore this year and has quit softball. Why? Because in typical college fashion the coach forgot why or what he recruited her for and she ended up being the bullpen catcher and never played a game. Having played for her dad her entire life, she never learned how to talk to a coach or how to shift attention to herself. Even though her dad was an awesome coach and always very very fair, no father is ever going to "forget" their daughter is on the team. IMHO, had she played for other coaches, she would have been better equipped to deal with this situation.

Jul 2, 2013
Our high school coaches are top shelf. Half the players play for super travel orgs, outside of the high school.

A few, like my DD, respond best to the high school coach. He takes it upon himself to coordinate their summer play. He does not do it to play favorites. He does it because some players do not fit into the super org mode, but are great high school players. He does it to make his HS team better.

Once high school season starts, he makes the best choices for his team. Knock the HS coaches all you want, until you have one who is truly great. Then you respect, even honor, the commitment made for the community.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
Doug, I don't know if this applies or not so I'll post it and hope I'm not too far off. My dd was called up when she was 12U to play on a team that was 14U. We didn't realize it at the time we agreed to guest play that this team was all from one HS. They didn't have pitching. The next year, they took my dd and her catcher who was also from that school district onto their team. So the entire team was from one HS with the exception of my DD. We then hit the road and only played one game in our area. They sought the best competition in the Midwest and upper South. Those girls who were sophomores all started on that HS varsity displacing everyone else. The young catcher also started. They had pitching as well since the pitchers played for one of the better TB teams in the state. For 3 years, they contended for regional, sectional and state titles. They also set records for wins from a graduating class. For sure, they were a team. My DD is still very close to all of them. It was always interesting when my DD had to pitch against them. One time was on DD's birthday and she had not pitched for 9 or 10 days. They were ranked 4th in the state. DD threw a 1 hitter at them. Heck, she knew all of them so well.
Jul 26, 2010
Our high school coaches are top shelf. Half the players play for super travel orgs, outside of the high school.

A few, like my DD, respond best to the high school coach. He takes it upon himself to coordinate their summer play. He does not do it to play favorites. He does it because some players do not fit into the super org mode, but are great high school players. He does it to make his HS team better.

Once high school season starts, he makes the best choices for his team. Knock the HS coaches all you want, until you have one who is truly great. Then you respect, even honor, the commitment made for the community.

I don't know why this keeps coming up. Most TB coaches out here (NorCal) are also high school coaches. Since we really can't play during HS season, it just makes sense. It isn't an "us" against "them" debate.



Aug 21, 2008
Boston, MA
I did not see the original post before it was deleted, but I just need to say that in my town, our HS coaches are all bottom shelf. Bottom of the barrel. Not even certified by the state board (as is required) because they were grandfathered before it became a requirement.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
High School ball is what it is. It is a product of the public sector. And as with anything sans national defense the private sector provides a much better product. If the goal was to have all kids compete at the highest level there would be no High School athletics and kids would play club ball year round. Do not forget the roots of HS athletics. Years ago there were very limited athletic opportunities outside of HS especially in rural areas. Were it not for HS ball many kids never would have played sports.

If the end game is to play college ball anything having to do with HS ball is moot. Comparing TB and HS ball is apples to oranges.

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