Running through quicksand

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Jun 19, 2014
If my math is right your DD has 3 bases on my DD so I have no comment.

It would be nice if she had one constant speed but as she is running through bases, her speed picks up…Parents like to comment by saying, "she isn't putting in the effort…we know she can run fast", when she is thrown out at first. It is true, if she ran as fast as she can on the other bases, she would be of been safe.
Jun 19, 2014
Don't forget about the muscle in front! While pushing-off strength is important, they have to drive forward with the other leg at the same time and it sounds like the (OP) running in quicksand is resulting from lack of drive.
It also sounds like when she rounds second she settles into a better running form, probably more leaning forward with weight on the balls of her feet.

does her coach ever do races to 1B from home or time trials H-1B, H-2B, H-H (all 4 bases)? you might find that it is going from the (upright) batting stance to running is the issue and she needs to practice sprinting to first, starting from swinging a bat rather than starting from a runners starting position.

She has been timed…Her speed to first was 3.84 seconds…speed from H-H was 13 seconds.
Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
Parents like to comment by saying, "she isn't putting in the effort…we know she can run fast", when she is thrown out at first. It is true, if she ran as fast as she can on thether bases, she would be of been safe.


She doesn't want get on base she would much rather hangout with the Team in the dugout
She just wants the inning over so she can go out and pitch
1st baseperson is not a nice person, DD does not want to be by her
1st basemen smells like she has played 5 games today, if it was baseball and she could leadoff she would have tried harder
Last edited:
Jun 19, 2014

She doesn't want get on base she would much rather hangout with the Team in the dugout
She just wants the inning over so she can go out and pitch
1st baseperson is not a nice person, DD does not want to be by her
1st basemen smells like she has played 5 games today, if it was baseball and she could leadoff she would have tried harder

Looking at it that way, explains a lot.
Feb 26, 2016
Murfreesboro, TN
Hate to say it, but it mostly going to be God given.. and a larger set of fast-twitch muscles for the fasties. All the "mechanics" and muscle development in the world are not going to improve a full second over such a short distance. Probably not even a full 1/2 second.

One thing the OP might look at is body lean after the hit. If she is RH hitter, how does she get rid of the bat and get started.
Apr 12, 2015
I tell my DD she needs to unhook the trailer she picked up at the last tractor pull. Then maybe she would run a little quicker.

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