Running through quicksand

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Jun 19, 2014
That is exactly how my daughter looks running to first…Once she rounds first, she is fast. It is like two different runners. running to first, another girl running the rest of the bases… Last tournament when the other pitcher pitched, my daughter was the designated runner for the pitcher… Interesting to see a pitcher come in to run for the other pitcher when there were other subs on the bench.


Jan 9, 2015
my dd looks like Scooby Doo when starting off to first base lol....Her feet are going fast but she isn't going anywhere....

That is exactly how my daughter looks running to first…Once she rounds first, she is fast. It is like two different runners. running to first, another girl running the rest of the bases… Last tournament when the other pitcher pitched, my daughter was the designated runner for the pitcher… Interesting to see a pitcher come in to run for the other pitcher when there were other subs on the bench.
Mar 23, 2014
I tease DD that she looks like she's going backwards, she's so slow. Went to a major league game recently where ground balls were automatic outs at first, to which she commented..... "They might be safe if they weren't jogging" - I almost spit out my beer laughing but it was too expensive. Then she asked me..." Do I look like that?" Yes, baby only slower. LOL
Jan 22, 2011
I had my DD do a speed and strength program over the winter because she had a slow start out of the box.
Oct 2, 2015
bmd..that's funny!

Crystal, if she's fast on the top end, at least you have a good place to start!

My youngest DD, (14) has the same problem, except she doesn't get an faster as she rounds first...she just keep dragging the plow with her heavy feet.
She was born with asslessitis...:D
She has very little muscle in the back, to get the legs moving...
I started her lifting weights with legs about 6 months ago. Seated squats, leg extensions and curls on our universal machine. It maxes out a 150 lbs, which she's now at 10 reps. in squats. But she doesn't have any explosive top end running speed like your DD does as she reaches first base.
My youngest DD also does a lot of calf raises on her own since I told her it would increase her vertical in volleyball.
Since starting lifting, her speed has increased some (she's still slower than her sisters) but her vertical has increased ~ 4-5", in about 6 months.

So, if your daughter is fast once she gets moving, but not quick out of the gates, you could have her work on explosive movements in sprinting and/or weight training.

Good luck!
Jul 4, 2012
Javasource has included some awesome plyometrics in the drive mechanics sticky in the pitching forum. Plyometrics with squats will help big time. I would skip leg extensions and curls...

Also, Barry Lovelace has made a DVD for an organized softball team workout that I thought was really good. It isn't the Pitcher's Pop video, but the other one.


Aug 21, 2008
Boston, MA
She has very little muscle in the back, to get the legs moving...
Don't forget about the muscle in front! While pushing-off strength is important, they have to drive forward with the other leg at the same time and it sounds like the (OP) running in quicksand is resulting from lack of drive.
It also sounds like when she rounds second she settles into a better running form, probably more leaning forward with weight on the balls of her feet.

does her coach ever do races to 1B from home or time trials H-1B, H-2B, H-H (all 4 bases)? you might find that it is going from the (upright) batting stance to running is the issue and she needs to practice sprinting to first, starting from swinging a bat rather than starting from a runners starting position.


Feb 20, 2012
I always kid my DD that she runs like a water buffalo....fortunately she is a pitcher, so if she does get on base the coaches are quick to bring in a pinch runner for her. My best suggestion would be to find a track coach who can work with her on getting out of the box quicker.
Jun 19, 2014
Javasource has included some awesome plyometrics in the drive mechanics sticky in the pitching forum. Plyometrics with squats will help big time. I would skip leg extensions and curls...

Also, Barry Lovelace has made a DVD for an organized softball team workout that I thought was really good. It isn't the Pitcher's Pop video, but the other one.

We have joined the gym and work out together. Since the gym we go to has a lot of machines and she being new like to gravitate to them, I am letting her get the , "I want to know how they work out of her system." Since she is a newbie at the gym, she still gets sore and have a pretty good workout. We will eventually get to doing more plyometrics and compound movements.

The leg extensions and curls are coming in handy right now, since her pitching drag leg is considerably weaker. At one point her drag knee was sore and she had a lot of swelling…doctors said it was most likely jumpers knee. We are doing single leg curls, extensions and leg presses to help build strength on that side…to help balance her.

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