RIP to the hit king

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Allergic to BS
Nov 14, 2014
I am not even remotely religious. I don't believe in any deities. But the quote about casting the first stone feels applicable here. You better not live in a glass house if you're going to be casting any stones...

I guess with this logic, we shouldn't have any laws or rules that hold people accountable for their bad behavior? Perhaps you should study the context of that quote in a bit more detail.

I don't care whether Rose goes to the MLB Hall of Fame or not. He was a great player, and also a really crappy person for reasons well beyond gambling on games he was personally involved with. I know there are plenty of HOF players and other famous people who are even worse. One of the great flaws our society is that we put some really crappy people on pedestals because they are good at sports or some kind of performing art. It's no secret that there are often unequal standards and outcomes, especially for the rich, athletic, and famous. However, that doesn't mean that we reject any and all standards of behavior because somebody else wasn't punished enough.
May 27, 2013
Not disagreeing with your point about LT and the football HOF, but unless LT is in the baseball HOF, I don't see the relevance to Pete Rose. Same with OJ.
Like LE said - it’s an analogy. Just pointing out that in all of the various different HOFs there are many inductees of questionable and disgusting character, but they still got in.
Feb 20, 2024
Whichever side you fall on, I suggest watching the documentary on HBO.
The documentary is really good. It captures the all of the elements baseball fans in this country have been debating for decades. It also captures his self-sabotaging behavior all the way into his 80's.

I love Rose. I could listen to him talking about baseball all day long. Stories, technical hitting, etc. I hang on to every word he says regarding the sport. Pete and Lenny Dykstra needed a reality show of them slumming it around Philadelphia engaging in pure debauchery. Hit show!

I won't argue with anyone who says Rose should be in, I think there are valid arguments. The powers that be in baseball are very stuffy and love to gatekeep. However, my personal opinion is that he bet on baseball and that affected managerial decisions, even if he only bet on his team. He then lied about it for years. Even though I love Rose, I would have kept him out, too. His lack of integrity for the game and him the lack of remorse he had doesn't get much grace from me. His lifetime ban is now over and I would put him in next class. Again though, that's my opinion.
Jun 18, 2023
His lifetime ban is now over and I would put him in next class. Again though, that's my opinion.

he didn't get a lifetime ban. He's on the PERMENENTLY INELIGIBLE list. His deceased status is irrelevant.

Also on that list, Roberto Alomar. He was not kicked out of the Hall however. Of course his ban happened AFTER and was immaterial to his conduct on the field, something that can not confidently be stated about Rose.

If Rose had gotten in before any of the truth had come out, I doubt BBWAA would've ejected him, but he's not. Removing people is a different thing than not honoring them in the first place. There's no reason to go out of the way to bestow honors on terrible people, dead or not.

also Ichiro is the hit king.

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