Rec ball too many kids not enough parents

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Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
In riverside county rec ball is allowed to have
Practice groups.
( think teams that can practice now perhaps games coming very soon)
My Travel Coach friend signed his youngest dd up.
And guess what?
Soooo many kids have been signed up
My Coach friend got a phone call from the league saying
"We will have to turn kids away if parents dont step up"
My friend did!
Will you?

Guess what parents...
Your part of the facilitation of rec ball too!
City leagues are mostly ran by volunteering parents!
Last edited:
Aug 1, 2019
Just thinking aloud...Are parents so glad to get their kids out of the house and view it as precious alone time?


Allergic to BS
Nov 14, 2014
Rec ball is a cash cow for many city-owned parks, but those who volunteer to run the boards are mostly travel ball parents. Too often, the Rec program is an afterthought, and the effort to recruit and develop coaches is lacking. The last time I had a Rec team, many moons ago, I started with 12, a manageable number. I worked with them for over a month, and had a pretty servicable group. A week before the season started, I got a call telling me that another coach flaked out and that three more would be added to my roster. 15 on any team, especially one where many are starting from scratch, makes for a long season.

A recent minor trend I've noted is a recycling of experienced travel ball coaches with younger Rec teams that probably involve a younger sibling or even a grandkid. Those teams are easy to spot, even if I don't know the coach personally. The coach is older, the kids are very young, but everything is well organized.
Feb 7, 2014
As a kid playing some of the best volunteer coaches I found were not parents. As an adult I find some associations and organizations exclude volunteers that are not parents.
May 27, 2013
Sometimes it’s not worth the hassle of getting yelled at (as a volunteer coach or ump) by the parents who seem to come out in droves for the games. I can see why many don’t want to do it. Been there, done that, have the tee shirt.
Jun 8, 2016
I just volunteered to coach my son’s 7u coach pitch team. I was holding out doing so because with a 2 YO I am typically the chauffeur for 11 YO DD’s bball and softball and now if there is a conflict DW will have to drag the 2YO with her. That said it basically came down to I volunteer or they refund us the money and DS wouldn’t get to play...


Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
Sometimes it’s not worth the hassle of getting yelled at (as a volunteer coach or ump) by the parents who seem to come out in droves for the games. I can see why many don’t want to do it. Been there, done that, have the tee shirt.
Well they could be the yellers,...
Or do something about 'that' situation,
...get on the field...
And yell back!
Sep 19, 2018
I've always volunteered for Softball, but I've twice become a soccer coach after the "hey we need coaches" email went out. Truthfully, I really enjoyed it. It was rec and low pressure, but still lots of fun.

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