Pitching rule change

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Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
I may be incorrect but I was left with the impression that he was referring to the integrity of those charged with adherence and enforcement of the rules.
Nov 18, 2013
I may be incorrect but I was left with the impression that he was referring to the integrity of those charged with adherence and enforcement of the rules.

Could be. I took at people who don't follow the rule lack integrity. If its the umpires I stand corrected.

The other remark still crossed the line.
Jul 17, 2008
Southern California
Yes you are incorrect Riseball...that statement is clearly equating pitchers who leap/crow hop with lacking integrity (whether or not they get caught) AND inferring that any pitchers who have a leap or a crow hop in their mechanics do NOT work as hard as those who do not.

Once a thread degrades into value judgements about peoples character I choose to leave the discussion.
May all your daughters have success in their softball endeavors.;)
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
Yes you are incorrect Riseball...that statement is clearly equating pitchers who leap/crow hop with lacking integrity (whether or not they get caught) AND inferring that any pitchers who have a leap or a crow hop in their mechanics do NOT work as hard as those who do not.

Once a thread degrades into value judgements about peoples character I choose to leave the discussion.
May all your daughters have success in their softball endeavors.;)

IF the leaping is intentional, yes the player lack integrity. If it is not intentional that is another matter. As to working hard, I agree that a player who leaps or crow hops may very well work as hard or harder than one who pitches legally. However, they would be well served to rectify the situation and pitch legally. There is no valid excuse or rationalization that warrants flagrant disregard of the rules of the game.
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Jun 1, 2013
Have you ever become so disgusted with seeing your DD work hard to drag and stay legal only to face a pitcher that does it all wrong and brought it to umps attention. If so, what did the ump say when you pointed it out?


Jun 22, 2008
A couple points concerning posts on the last 5 pages :)

The umpire cannot see what the camera can catch, so the pictures posted are somewhat irrelevant to the discussion..

All the umpires with whom I have worked or trained have no problem calling the leap and crow up, IF AND WHEN they are sure that is what they saw. This isn't something you "guess" because it looked like it "could" have been and yes, they are not all caught. And if an umpire misses an IP call because s/he was not down on all fours to see that 1-2 inch gap, I don't have a problem with that.

You want rules called, great. What happened to the umpires a few years ago when the NCAA did just that. The umpires were raked over the coals by everyone from the JO ranks right up to Candrea. It is the rule and was properly applied to those who violated the rule and the softball world went crazy. So crazy that the National Coordinator of Umpires was relieved of her position and her entire staff resigned because of the NCAA's action. Somebody has to make up their mind, have the umpires do their job or not.

And that means that when it is called, the coaches and parents address the pitcher about it, not the umpire, or you get rid of the rule. As far as that goes, the year after the NCAA bull, I talked to an NCAA softball rep and asked her if she anticipated a change by the NCAA. She straight out told me that they would probably look at a change, but there would have to be some science behind it citing the anatomical differences between the male and female pitcher.
Jun 22, 2008
Have you ever become so disgusted with seeing your DD work hard to drag and stay legal only to face a pitcher that does it all wrong and brought it to umps attention. If so, what did the ump say when you pointed it out?

My daughter was the assistant coach of a team playing in an ASA tournament in another city. The tournament just happened to be right after high school ball had ended and the opposing pitcher was stepping back off the pitching plate. My daughter asked the base umpire if he saw she was stepping back, he said he did. She then asked him wasnt it illegal in ASA, his response was he didn't feel the pitcher was gaining an advantage and wasn't going to call it.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
Don't want to take this political but in a country where we have millions of illegal aliens who we refer to as dreamers and undocumented workers why are we surprised that people rationalize the calling of IP's in softball? Rules and laws should be enforced. Otherwise you reap what you sow and get what you deserve.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
My daughter was the assistant coach of a team playing in an ASA tournament in another city. The tournament just happened to be right after high school ball had ended and the opposing pitcher was stepping back off the pitching plate. My daughter asked the base umpire if he saw she was stepping back, he said he did. She then asked him wasnt it illegal in ASA, his response was he didn't feel the pitcher was gaining an advantage and wasn't going to call it.

Cowards should not be officials.
Feb 18, 2014
Your time may be better spent finding examples of all the girls of all ages that work hard day in and day out, to have the proper mechanics too keep that back foot down. Following a rule should not be dependent on rather or not it is enforced. And others lack of integrity does not justify my breaking of the rules.

I think your points are spot on, but calling her a crazy cat lady and saying she lacks integrity is uncalled for.

Saying she lacks integrity are your words not mine.

I am stating what I believe young athletes should be taught. But instead I have base runners cleating my girls or dropping their shoulder into my first baseman long after they were thrown out.

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