Pitching rule change

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Dec 20, 2012
The fact that IP's are called is prima facie evidence that the rules are indeed enforced. While they may not be enforced to the level of your and others approval they can and are enforced. As to your evidence. All it proves is that enforcement is not perfect, even rising to the level of arbitrary and capricious. Much the way a group of cars will be headed down a highway in excess of the speed limit and only one car is ticketed. The defense often offered during the process is - All the other care were speeding. To which I would reply - Ever go fishing? Ever catch all the fish?

IP's are enforced in the same manner holding is called in football. It happens all the time but not called unless it is a tight game or a big play happens. You never see it on a 2-0, 2 outs and no runners in a 7-0 game. It comes up in a tie game, 6th inning, runner on base and 1-2 count. Just like football, holding only gets called on a long return or run. You NEVER see it called in a run up the middle for 2 yards. So back to the point CALL IT EVERY TIME OR DO AWAY WITH IT! I guess umps wanting their 15 min of fame and be a factor in the game.

And let's also compare this with what is natural for the the human body. It is preached that IR is the preferred method of pitching because it is how the arm rotates naturally and most effective. Same as leaping, other than pitching I have NEVER tried to leap or jump and purposely drag my back foot! Why this rule was instated to begin with is a mystery to me. And it is only "crap mechanics" because it is illegal. It is not crap mechanics because it hinders the pitch or causes injury to a a player.
Dec 20, 2012
IF the leaping is intentional, yes the player lack integrity. If it is not intentional that is another matter. As to working hard, I agree that a player who leaps or crow hops may very well work as hard or harder than one who pitches legally. However, they would be well served to rectify the situation and pitch legally. There is no valid excuse or rationalization that warrants flagrant disregard of the rules of the game.

REALLY?? So EVERY coach and base runner ever lacks integrity! What are they told? Leave early until you get caught, then don't leave as early.
Oct 22, 2009
Well she has been doing it since 10 u and she is a college junior now. Been working on it for years and it still creeps into her pitching. With that being said look at many of the top pitcher. I actually don't think leaping makes a bit of difference in the "quality" of pitching as evidenced by the fact that they do it in the mens game.

You've provided the answer to the original OP's questions - ONLY parents of pitchers (or teams with pitchers) who leap or crow hop want the rule changed!!


Jun 22, 2008
My daughter was the assistant coach of a team playing in an ASA tournament in another city. The tournament just happened to be right after high school ball had ended and the opposing pitcher was stepping back off the pitching plate. My daughter asked the base umpire if he saw she was stepping back, he said he did. She then asked him wasnt it illegal in ASA, his response was he didn't feel the pitcher was gaining an advantage and wasn't going to call it.

And that would be grounds for a legitimate protest. The worst case scenario would be the UIC would be made aware of your concern or you missed the instructions from the TD that IP rules were not going to be enforced at some level. This may also serve as a reminder to the players, especially that pitcher, that a correction is necessary. Remaining silent does nothing, but perpetuate poor officiating.
Jun 22, 2008
And that would be grounds for a legitimate protest. The worst case scenario would be the UIC would be made aware of your concern or you missed the instructions from the TD that IP rules were not going to be enforced at some level. This may also serve as a reminder to the players, especially that pitcher, that a correction is necessary. Remaining silent does nothing, but perpetuate poor officiating.

Thats what I told her. I said as soon as he indicated he did see it but wasnt going to call it the next words out of her mouth should have been I am protesting and want to have the UIC brought to the field. I later found out I happened to know the UIC of the tournament and when I related the story to him he said he sure wished she had protested so he could have come down on the umpire.


Dad, Husband....legend
Jul 5, 2013
safe in an undisclosed location
You would have to be very naive to believe that type of thing hasn't or doesn't happen.

ha....I was just telling my daughter the other night that she leaves too late on her leadoff....I told her specifically "try being more aggressive until you start getting called for leaving early once in a while and that is how aggressive I want you to be"
Dec 20, 2012
ha....I was just telling my daughter the other night that she leaves too late on her leadoff....I told her specifically "try being more aggressive until you start getting called for leaving early once in a while and that is how aggressive I want you to be"

My kid never had to worry about it. She would have buzzards circling if they let her run bases, pinch runner! lol

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