Pitching rule change

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Mar 23, 2014
I just want to know why am I teaching DD to drag her foot?

I'm being sarcastic.....partially. I've seen many pitchers leap or drag with a serious replant/extra push from drag foot at release. It happens more with a leap and does result in extra velocity.
Jun 1, 2013
Coachmom, thanks for all the pics that you posted. However I do not see where they are germaine. You posted pics of top level pitchers pitching illegally...who they are does not make the motion or mechanics any less illegal. Your pics prove my point that umps should be calling this rule or organizations should do away with it. When you are pitching at the highest level of college softball I think a person should be able to expect an equally high level of umpiring. If it is a rule then enforce it, if it is not enforceable then do away with it.
Jul 17, 2008
Southern California
Your pics prove my point that umps should be calling this rule or organizations should do away with it. When you are pitching at the highest level of college softball I think a person should be able to expect an equally high level of umpiring. If it is a rule then enforce it, if it is not enforceable then do away with it.

EXACTLY they prove my point as well which is the same as your point!
Feb 7, 2013
If it is a rule then enforce it, if it is not enforceable then do away with it.

And that is the whole point of the original post (rule change). I agree with you, its not enforceable so they should do away with it and move on to more important things.....
Nov 18, 2013
Correct me if I am wrong but leaping and crow hopping are allowed in womens international game?


I remember watching World Cup of Softball and they were talking about Sarah Nevins and how she no longer needs to worry about getting called for her illegal pitching due to the different rules in the international game.

You're half right. Leaping is legal. Crow Hopping is adderessed in #6 under Step and Release. "The pitcher may not step in front of the pitcher’s plate with the pivot foot and start the push-off."

There seems to be some misunderstanding from some of the posts that crow hopping and leaping are the same thing. Leaping is having both feet in the air. Crow Hopping involves replanting and pushing off a second time. If both were legal, pitchers could be within 30ft of home plate when they release the ball.
Dec 23, 2009
San Diego
Need to start a thread where all the "change the rules" posters can upload copies of the documents they've sent to the alphabet organizations telling them the rules need to be changed...:rolleyes:

Or someone can use their own money (and reap all the profits) and start an national organization that uses one set of pitching rules for male and female pitchers...:cool:
Feb 18, 2014
My DD is having a hard time throwing strikes, it is obviously too hard at this age to get the ball in the strike zone and way too many umpires are too selective in enforcement. Therefore I think the rules should be changed that as long as the ball leaves her hands it should be a strike. It will level the playing field between the elite pitchers and those that give up and move on too other positions.

I trust that those that want to change the IP rules because their daughter leaps will support me in this idea.

Or not.
Jul 17, 2008
Southern California
My DD is having a hard time throwing strikes, it is obviously too hard at this age to get the ball in the strike zone and way too many umpires are too selective in enforcement. Therefore I think the rules should be changed that as long as the ball leaves her hands it should be a strike. It will level the playing field between the elite pitchers and those that give up and move on too other positions.

I trust that those that want to change the IP rules because their daughter leaps will support me in this idea.

Or not.


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