Pitching rule change

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Jan 24, 2009
I think that the rule book should clearly state that a riseball doesn't actually rise and that every player should wear a fielder's mask.

Oh yeah, and ;)
Feb 18, 2014
My DD is having a hard time throwing strikes, it is obviously too hard at this age to get the ball in the strike zone and way too many umpires are too selective in enforcement. Therefore I think the rules should be changed that as long as the ball leaves her hands it should be a strike. It will level the playing field between the elite pitchers and those that give up and move on too other positions.

I trust that those that want to change the IP rules because their daughter leaps will support me in this idea.

Or not.


I will turn down the sarcasm and be more direct.

Your interest is not in what's best for softball in general or the girls that play. The sole focus on proving what your daughter needs is reaching the level of cat-lady-crazy.
Jul 17, 2008
Southern California
Please keep your remarks to your own opinions, I will tell you what my interest is.
My interest is in proving that the illegal pitch rules are not being enforced because they cannot be. My interest is in showing that with photos and EVIDENCE.
My DD will be long graduated from college by the time ANY CHANGE would be made to the pitching rules so my interest is in making the sport better for THE FUTURE.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
Please keep your remarks to your own opinions, I will tell you what my interest is.
My interest is in proving that the illegal pitch rules are not being enforced because they cannot be. My interest is in showing that with photos and EVIDENCE.
My DD will be long graduated from college by the time ANY CHANGE would be made to the pitching rules so my interest is in making the sport better for THE FUTURE.

The fact that IP's are called is prima facie evidence that the rules are indeed enforced. While they may not be enforced to the level of your and others approval they can and are enforced. As to your evidence. All it proves is that enforcement is not perfect, even rising to the level of arbitrary and capricious. Much the way a group of cars will be headed down a highway in excess of the speed limit and only one car is ticketed. The defense often offered during the process is - All the other care were speeding. To which I would reply - Ever go fishing? Ever catch all the fish?
Jul 17, 2008
Southern California
The difference being that the umpires are standing right there looking at the pitchers feet. The cops are not physically there to see every speeder and a fisherman cannot SEE every fish in the water.

PS...If the rules are to be enforced across the board, add an umpire whose job is that only.
Feb 18, 2014
Please keep your remarks to your own opinions, I will tell you what my interest is.
My interest is in proving that the illegal pitch rules are not being enforced because they cannot be. My interest is in showing that with photos and EVIDENCE.
My DD will be long graduated from college by the time ANY CHANGE would be made to the pitching rules so my interest is in making the sport better for THE FUTURE.

Your time may be better spent finding examples of all the girls of all ages that work hard day in and day out, to have the proper mechanics too keep that back foot down. Following a rule should not be dependent on rather or not it is enforced. And others lack of integrity does not justify my breaking of the rules.
Nov 18, 2013
Your time may be better spent finding examples of all the girls of all ages that work hard day in and day out, to have the proper mechanics too keep that back foot down. Following a rule should not be dependent on rather or not it is enforced. And others lack of integrity does not justify my breaking of the rules.

I think your points are spot on, but calling her a crazy cat lady and saying she lacks integrity is uncalled for.

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