Pitcher hitting the umpire on purpose

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Mar 14, 2011
Silicon Valley, CA
What if this guy is a really good coach? Not good with players per se, parents, assistants, or opponents (in general he's a real low class A-hole), but really good at teaching skills? Shouldn't that help him continue on?


Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
What if this guy is a really good coach? Not good with players per se, parents, assistants, or opponents (in general he's a real low class A-hole), but really good at teaching skills? Shouldn't that help him continue on?

Yes, but.... the extremely talented, but socially inept should not be placed in public or leadership positions. Usually they know this and keep out of the spotlight and prosper doing what they are great at in the shadows under the supervision of the more socially adroit. Scott Adams' Dilbert is worth studying IMO.
Jun 29, 2013
What if this guy is a really good coach? Not good with players per se, parents, assistants, or opponents (in general he's a real low class A-hole), but really good at teaching skills? Shouldn't that help him continue on?

In my book, it isn't enough. I find it hard to believe the kids did this all on their own as well, and even if they did, its hard for me to accept that he deserves no punishment because this happened on his watch. This is a complete breach of discipline at best and is inexcusable.
Mar 14, 2011
Silicon Valley, CA
It's funny, because certain people stood on the highest soapboxes and preached quite a bit in these threads, yet when it comes to them and HI, then it's different. Then if they think the person knows what they are talking about it's OK to associate their daughter (and them) with HI, and it doesn't matter one bit the way in which the lead at HI acts at all.
Nov 26, 2010
What if this guy is a really good coach? Not good with players per se, parents, assistants, or opponents (in general he's a real low class A-hole), but really good at teaching skills? Shouldn't that help him continue on?

Did you not see what he teaches. I would have a hard time not kicking his a** if my dd was pitching or catching for him
Jul 2, 2013
I have read both threads on this, and refrained from commenting until I talked to coaches, of pitchers, about this specific subject.

In that process, I learned something I never knew before.

Apparently this type of behavior happens more than anyone wants to admit. Even at the lowest levels, the catchers can, and are occasionally asked, to short catch a ball (miss it on purpose) and drill the umpire. I know it is controversial. I know it is wrong. I also know what some coaches have told me, and it happens on rare occasions throughout the game of softball.

This particular coach was just STUPID ... in the manner it was done. Surprising for an 18A level coach of a "top" travel org.

Now I am not in any way condoning this tactic, or behavior. Just reporting what some of the best pitching, and catching, folks might say. It is very rare, but happens.
Last edited:
May 24, 2013
So Cal
It's funny, because certain people stood on the highest soapboxes and preached quite a bit in these threads, yet when it comes to them and HI, then it's different. Then if they think the person knows what they are talking about it's OK to associate their daughter (and them) with HI, and it doesn't matter one bit the way in which the lead at HI acts at all.

Regardless of whether or not you agree with the opinions of an interweb persona doesn't mean that person is dangerous or has bad information. You just don't like the delivery method. If you don't like that person's opinions, persona, or information, don't go to that site. If you disagree with the technical aspects of what he teaches, then stick with what you believe, and ignore those who teach something different.

Hitting someone in the head with a pitch - or instructing your players to do it - is a VERY different issue.
Jul 16, 2008
I have a hard time believing it was the catcher... at the minimum it was the catcher AND pitcher... so why was only the catcher called out??? I don't know, maybe I'm from the old breed but I would have taken the sword to protect my players (Not that I would have called it in the first place). Now, the players would pay that's for sure, but I don't think I would throw one of them under the bus like that.

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