Pitcher hitting the umpire on purpose

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May 6, 2013
San Antonio TX.
I know you get bad calls but if my DD ever did this she would be off that team as soon as she stepped off the field. That is so bush league.

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Jun 29, 2013
I saw a thread on this a while back. I think the game ended after this, properly called a forfeit. I suspect that coach's days on the field have come to an end.
Jan 18, 2011
Only thing I read was he was called in by TCS and blamed it all on the catcher and he had no knowledge of it.

I started the unreal thread but didn't go all of it. Anyway I call that BS, putting all that solely on the cather, yeah right.

This guy is like school in the summer time . . . . . . NO CLASS!!!!!
Dec 23, 2009
San Diego
I saw a thread on this a while back. I think the game ended after this, properly called a forfeit. I suspect that coach's days on the field have come to an end.

You'd like to think so but sadly no - nothing on any of the organizational websites to suggest he's in the wind. Not surprising - parents will accept a lot of this thuggery while chasing that scholarship $$...
Dec 23, 2009
San Diego
Mar 23, 2010
You'd like to think so but sadly no - nothing on any of the organizational websites to suggest he's in the wind. Not surprising - parents will accept a lot of this thuggery while chasing that scholarship $$...

Well, not the catcher's parents, now that her options have disappeared, but the rest of them, sure.
Apr 5, 2009
NE Kansas
I would be very disappointed if my daughter did this, but if I was a college coach, I would probably have a chat about never doing something like this again. Along with why didn't you make an effort towards the ball? And then move on.
Feb 15, 2013
As a coach i would never tell my players to do this so i won't suspect him of telling his players to do it either. However that being said i would never expect my players to come up with this idea on their own without the coach having input. As a leader/supervisor in my job i believe in the following, when things go great it's because of my people/team, when things go ok it's because of US and when things go bad it's my fault at the leader/supervisor/coach. The right thing to do in this spot is for the coach to take the blame as his position can handle the storm coming his way. Hanging the catcher out to dry is wrong regardless of what type of person/player she is. Even if it was her idea the coach should have came up with an excuse however lame it may be to cover his player and then issued a statement stating how sorry he was for the incident and then move on. We will probably never know the truth and can only speculate but for me the blame falls in two spots, the coach and the catcher. The coach should have his players ready to deal with these situations and the catcher should have caught the ball. If i was a college coach i wouldn't want her for the fact she obviously isn't the right fit for my program unless i condone those actions.
Jun 22, 2008
There is no way the catcher did that all on her own. Pitcher had been missing low and then suddently misses high the very next pitch after a conference with the catcher bailing at the same time? More than just coincidence, not to mention, the coach was already in the circle before the catcher ever arrived for the conference, and the catcher left the circle before the coach did.

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