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Jun 24, 2010
The most difficult thing with 6u is practice. They have an extremely short attention span. I'd play all kind of games that incorporated at list one skill.

I had trouble getting the girls to swing through the ball, so we had a home run derby one practice. We made an arcing line inside the baseline and they got a home run for every ball hit over the line in the air. The parents really helped by making it a big deal and cheering. (I didn't ask, but it was good)

Take breaks during practice. It's not about how long you practice, it's how much did they pay attention to.
May 24, 2013
So Cal
The most difficult thing with 6u is practice. They have an extremely short attention span. I'd play all kind of games that incorporated at list one skill.

I had trouble getting the girls to swing through the ball, so we had a home run derby one practice. We made an arcing line inside the baseline and they got a home run for every ball hit over the line in the air. The parents really helped by making it a big deal and cheering. (I didn't ask, but it was good)

Take breaks during practice. It's not about how long you practice, it's how much did they pay attention to.

I have found that a good game of "Duck, Duck, Goose" is also effective...even for 10U.
Jun 20, 2012
never coached 6u but I might consider sending her out there with a glove in one hand and a sandwich in the other. That would at least brighten my day, I guess me not coaching 6u is a good thing.

When my youngest was in 6u, we would send her out to bat with a paint brush in her back pocket. The plate would have to be absolutely spotless before she batted and she would often take a long time wiping the plate clean with her bare hand, so somebody gave her a paint brush one day, and the rest was history. Everyone got a kick out of it every time she went up to bat. Of course, she loved the attention.

Some people take 6u WAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY too seriously. There are leagues around us that have to get umpires for their 6u games. Let them hit, let them run the bases, let them field and throw the ball. Above all else, LET THEM HAVE FUN! I saw this written here before: If we were to roll a ball onto the field and then have all the adults walk away, the kids would figure it out and form their own games and have fun. Why are we getting in the way of that?
Oct 3, 2011
Right Here For Now
The most obnoxious fan I have ever heard was a chain smoking grandmother who cussed like a sailor and thought her DGD was the greatest thing since sliced bread!

I had one of those in rec league also. I ran into her at our local supermarket the other day and she was telling me how much her Freshman DGD was looking forward to making the HS Varsity team this year. Her DGD who has never worked at the game even in rec league, nor played any kind of SB outside of that, hasn't been to one Winter conditioning, weightlifting or TB parent run practices. Not to mention the fact that the V team, with the exception of 2 Seniors will all be TB players. I wonder how she'll react to a JV position for DGD?:rolleyes:
Feb 20, 2015
illinois that brought back memories. My DD was a "plate cleaner" too and would bend down and wipe the plate with her hand when she stepped up to bat. Then when she got to first, second, or whatever base, she would also clean that one. One day she was at second, and was cleaning away, trying to get it just right. Of course not paying a bit of attention to anything else. Blue stepped up, called time, took out his little broom and joined in. They got it just right, and play resumed.
May 7, 2008
I watched 6U last night trying to hit off of the machine in the cages, their first get together. Even though the coach said not to swing the bats, if they weren't batting, 3 were outside the cage swinging wildly. I would have collected those bats, first thing, but what do I know?

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