middle infielders positioning for double play

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Sep 29, 2013
Is softball similar to baseball in that you want your middle infielders to cheat towards second base and in a bit? advice?


Feb 20, 2012
Most teams will cheat the SS a step or two towards 2nd base with a runner on 1B and no other runners on base. If you have a really quick SS, or a really slow runner at 1B, the SS can play in her regular position.

Trying to turn a double play is always a good thing, but more importantly you want a shot at getting the lead runner. The positioning of the SS is also important in covering 2B during a steal attempt.
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Jun 24, 2013
DD’s team tries for double plays but unless the batter-runner trips and falls to sleep for 5 minutes on the way to first there is almost no chance. We want the lead runner out.

Runner on 1st DD backs up a couple feet and a little bit over towards 2nd, runner on 1st and 2nd she stays in the neutral position but backs up a little bit.

I know that is not what you were asking, I just thought I would throw it out there. Bringing the SS in a little bit brings some risk with little chance of a reward for DD’s Teams.
Jul 26, 2010
Double plays in softball are happy accidents or just really bad batting. They aren't as commonplace as in baseball.

Depending on the SS's speed, they may cheat towards second to defend the steal. SS and 2B should always fire to 1B after getting the lead runner out, but when most kids are reaching first in 3.5 seconds or less, turning two is a rare thing. Most double plays result from getting the runner on 1 out from not tagging up after a good catch on a line drive.

Jun 11, 2013
We get a few when it's hard grounder to 2nd and they tag runner from first and throw to first. Sometimes grounder up the middle that SS can get step on 2nd and get at first. We don't cheat 2nd at all as they are more likely to have to cover 1st on a bunt than to turn 2.
Jun 24, 2013
That is basically the only one that comes to my mind for DD’s Team. Ball hit up the middle, SS caught it stepped on 2nd then threw it to first. She didn’t need to throw it to the 2nd basemen, really it was a play at 1st where she needed to step on 2nd before she made her throw.
Apr 1, 2010
We had a triple play once: heads up playing plus luck plus help from the runners.

Runners on 1st and 2nd. Sharp ground ball hit to F6 who tagged runner on way from second to third, then threw to first to get the batter. F3 threw back quickly to pitcher. Then the players realized that the runner from 1st had rounded 2nd too far and was trying to scramble back... F6 had gone to cover 2nd, F1 threw to her and she put the tag down on the runner sliding back into second.

It was quite a thing. I don't expect to ever see it again.

--I don't think our SS was cheating toward second, at least not much, or the runner would probably have been past her rather than right there to be tagged. Really a lucky day!
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