Losing is good for you

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Jul 16, 2008
You nailed it. We didn't have the pitchers. I'm not sure if we do this year yet, but the cup is half full. DD got a huge amount of fielding experience at third.

LOL it's funny where pitchers can dominate at 14, get hit at 16, and get racked at 18... our defense gets a work out too, especially the outfielder's.
Apr 16, 2013
Great article. The truly competitive kids know whether their trophy truly means something or not. Years back my son raced motorcycles. There would be times there'd only be a handful of kids on the grid. If he got 2nd place when there were only three riders, he wouldn't even show up to the awards ceremony, he wanted nothing to do with that "award". When the grid was full and he placed, he truly relished the award at that point.

My DD loves getting trophies, but she also knows when the trophy means something vs not meaning something. I think one of her most prized "awards" is when she was given the game ball after pitching a complete game (and winning).
Oct 19, 2009
I would rather get beat by a good team then get win big to a bad team.

Trophies mean nothing unless the kids learn something JMO.
Oct 4, 2011
I agree with the article... but I also had to laugh. Those of us in our 40s have seen pretty much every educational "new idea" thrown at us. Now we're back to the beginning again. Some examples:

"everyone learn the metric system! Metric system for all! Get 'em young and we'll do away with feet and inches forever!"
"everyone learn feet and inches! It's our tradition... use the metric system for science!"
"open classrooms! Better learning through collaboration!"
"No more open classrooms! Bring sanity back to the classroom and let the teachers hear themselves think!"
"Hey guys... how about open classrooms? Collaboration is king!"
"New math! Old math! New math!"
"Build self esteem! Everyone's a winner!"
"Nope, everyone is not a winner! Kids need adversity!"

I think we have too many studies. Time to go back to sandlot baseball and let the kids figure it out :)
Aug 9, 2013
But on the flipside, you have to be positioned correctly to get experience winning. First year manager here and thus far we're 2-4 in the fall and we celebrated those wins like it was a tournament. You can never get enough practice at that :)

Plus we are a primarily 9 year old team playing 10U.
Oct 7, 2013
New Jersey
Everyone needs to experience losing...even adults who still play sports. Children need to learn to cope with losing from a young age and have to understand that not everything is simple or just given to them. My nephew is such a sour loser and I can predict that he will have a tough time getting kids ask him to even play video games together, because no one wants to play with a sore loser. It's hard to see the ones you love upset but losing is inevitable, and young athletes need to live by that from the get-go.

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