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May 7, 2008
How old is this young fella and how long has he been pitching?

He is giving it a good attempt but I suspect he is a new pitcher.
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May 7, 2008
Here is the first thing I would start with.

The Legal Rock Back - increasing speed


There is a section in every rulebook that refers to rocking or the rocking motion.

When a pitcher gets ready to start their forward momentum they will lean back and shift their weight to the non-pivot foot. They will then lean forward a little and transfer their weight to the pivot foot as they begin their push off. Doing this gives you a little extra push because your body is already traveling forward before you even start to push off the rubber.

Rocking is when you lean backwards and lift your pivot foot OFF the pitcher's rubber, start your forward momentum, then bring your pivot foot back down for the push off. It is an illegal action because you are losing contact with the rubber. The phrase, 'Rock and fire', has been shouted to pitchers for a lot longer than you and I have been around the sport. It is an advantage to the pitcher, as long as it is done correctly and legally.
When you lean back you must keep the ball of your pivot foot in contact with the front top edge of the rubber. This keeps the pivot points in line with each other. You lift the heel of your pivot foot and extend your foot by straightening your ankle. Doing this allows you to lean way back.

YOUR DRIVE LEG IS NOW A COUNTER-BALANCE FOR YOUR BODY WEIGHT as you are leaning back. The center of your body weight is now BEHIND the rubber instead of directly over it.

Now you lean forward and pivot on your pivot leg while keeping the knee slightly bent and the ball of the foot in contact with the front top edge of the pitcher's rubber.

Once you start your body coming forward, you bring the heel of the pivot foot back down and push off the front edge of the rubber with the ball of your foot.

Now, here is the big secret; you don't start your push off until the center of your body weight has traveled PAST THE FRONT OF THE RUBBER! Doing this allows for straight forward energy/momentum and eliminates almost all upward force in the push off. The farther forward you can bring the center of your body weight before pushing off, the longer your stride length potential.

This is why a leap and drag pitcher gets the longest stride, the strongest push off and the smoothest motions. The smoother your motions, THE FASTER YOU CAN THROW!

The closer to the batter you can release the ball, the less time they have. Doing this will definitely add to your stride length and speed and that is always an advantage for the pitcher. You must be very aware of your pivot foot and make certain it stays in contact with the rubber.

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