Limit on HBPs

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Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
Yes, we have a run rule which allows Teams to pitch an out of control pitcher.

We also have pitching inning limits that increase by age.
Last edited:
Aug 29, 2011
Our rec league has the following restrictions (games are 6 inning or time limit)
8U - 2 IP per game - 3 run limit for first 4 innings
10U - 3 IP per game - 3 run limit for first 4 innings
12U - 3 IP per game - 4 run limit for first 4 innings
14U+ - 4 IP per game - 5 run limit for first 4 innings

Basically forces every team to try and develop at least 2 pitchers minimum.
Jan 22, 2011
Our league:
8u- 2 innings per game, 3 run limit first 3 innings, 80 min no new innings. Typical game lasts 3-4 innings.
10u- 18 outs per week (2 games), 3 run limit first 3 innings, 90 min no new innings. Pitcher can only pitch a total of 6 outs in the first 4 innings. Typical game lasts 5 innings.
12u- 18 outs per week (2 games), 3 run limit first 3 innings, 100 min no new innings. Typical game lasts 6 innings.
14u- no pitching restrictions. 4 run limit first 3 innings, 100 min no new innings.

Goal is to develop multiple pitchers 8u through 12u, and to try adjust for the fact that there likely are only 2-3 strong pitchers in each age division.


Softball Dad
Apr 23, 2014
Pittsburgh PA
Coaches should be responsible for deciding this. What's to keep a team from taking advantage of this, girls are already taught to "take one for the team" how much leaning in is going to happen when it can get a good pitcher out of the game.
I agree with this statement for Travel but not rec ball. Most of the girls playing rec are nervous enough batting, they sure as heck are not going to lean into one for the team. That has been my experience.


Softball Dad
Apr 23, 2014
Pittsburgh PA
The flip side of the statements previous is leaving a girl in to long hitting batters and she just may never want to pitch again. You just might lose a girl that could be a promising pitcher. Had this happen in 12U rec last year with a girl who had practiced all winter and mid way through the season had issues with hit batters during a game and the coach left her in to help her "work " through the issues. She walked off the mound after that inning and has refused to go back.
May 7, 2008
The limit is 2 HBP per inning, here (rec league) I do believe the girl can reenter the game later. Calling them pitchers is sort of a stretch of the imagination.
Feb 3, 2011
Stupid rule. My town still has it, I believe, though it's gone through extended periods of no enforcement. Never been a fan. My buddy and I went around and around on this for hours, but he is flat-out wrong. He could not provide a single example of anyone in our league who had been injured or sidelined by a pitch. If a player misses an inning because she got hit on the elbow, that same injury could've happened anywhere on the field.

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