Limit on HBPs

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Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
What is your opinion on a local rule requiring a pitcher to be pulled after x amount of HBPs?

DD plays Rec and I think I would like a 3 inning max. or 1 per inning, just not sure how to word it correctly but I would like a limit. If a Team is winning or losing by enough they just leave their P in there and let the batters take their lumps. It does not happen very often.
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
What is your opinion on a local rule requiring a pitcher to be pulled after x amount of HBPs?

DD plays Rec and I think I would like a 3 inning max. or 1 per inning, just not sure how to word it correctly but I would like a limit. If a Team is winning or losing by enough they just leave their P in there and let the batters take their lumps. It does not happen very often.

Not sure I'd support a rule on HBP. At the rec level I think that would add another layer to an already struggling level of pitchers. They are going to slow the ball down, and most will either pitch outside ( walk fest ) or right down the pipe ( hit fest )........with a "pull" rule in the back of their mind.

Heck honestly I'd rather they stay in as long as possible, walk all my players. :)
Nov 26, 2010
Coaches should be responsible for deciding this. What's to keep a team from taking advantage of this, girls are already taught to "take one for the team" how much leaning in is going to happen when it can get a good pitcher out of the game.
Feb 7, 2014
I think this concept is a great idea. Having a DD that has plunked many kids only to be left in - ridiculous.

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