I suspect organization of stealing player funds

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Jul 16, 2008
Wait, you said that all "Team" stuff was either bought out of Org Funds or reimbursed from Org Funds... that sounds to me like the ORG owns the "Team Stuff".

Typically, Orgs allow the HC to "Keep" the equipment needed for the team to operate if they are coaching the same team or same age group. The problem arises when a HC leaves, and takes the equipment with them... happens a lot, they think because they picked it up from the vendor it's "theirs" when actually the Org cut the check to pay for the items.
Aug 23, 2010
If I ran an organization, that had multiple teams, it would belong to the organization. Sounds like at the beginning of the season, the organization came up with a budget that needed to be met. They broke it down into monthly fees to make it easier for the players families. The org probably fronted a bunch of money also. Now someone got the idea to break the team away from the org and start their own. Good luck to them. But everything that was bought for that team belongs to the org, including the uniforms. Just because those players are all leaving together, the org will probably have another team to replace them. I wonder if there was some form that was signed before the season stating this. I know where my DD plays, it is very clear. The org owns everything and all fees are non refundable.
Feb 3, 2011
The "no-refunds" language in the family contracts pertains only to individual players who leave a given team prior to the completion of a season.

The org sets the per-player "admin/maintenance fee" for each season, an amount which is not in dispute. They also set a per-team amount for the org's 18u fundraiser. Those have already been paid.

Individual teams then set their own fees, incorporating the org mandate into that number. No 2 teams pay identical total fees.
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