I suspect organization of stealing player funds

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Feb 3, 2011
The organization is a registered non-profit, but the accounting is a bit - for lack of a better term - "loose". The amounts being disputed are relatively small (about $100 per family), but the player fees were paid into the player accounts via the organization's checking account.

Equipment purchases are often disputed, I know, but the organization is claiming that they "own" equipment purchased for the team with funds raised by the team via parent fees. No parent has signed any documents acknowledging release of rights to any team equipment that they(we) paid for.

The organization is saying that they are going by their "standards and practices", even though there is no document indicating what those "standards and practices" are. They're claiming that their non-profit status grants them ownership. I disagree, but we are in CA and I can't say that I know every rule which pertains to NPOs. Any insights?

And yes, I understand it's going to cost me more than $100 worth of my time to pursue this, but it's worth it to me, even if the other families affected choose to write off the loss.
Jun 1, 2013
Why wouldn't the "team" own the equipment? Another way to look at it is that the team bought the equipment and basically rented it to you for the season.
Dec 23, 2009
San Diego
The organization is a registered non-profit, but the accounting is a bit - for lack of a better term - "loose". The amounts being disputed are relatively small (about $100 per family), but the player fees were paid into the player accounts via the organization's checking account.

Equipment purchases are often disputed, I know, but the organization is claiming that they "own" equipment purchased for the team with funds raised by the team via parent fees. No parent has signed any documents acknowledging release of rights to any team equipment that they(we) paid for.

The organization is saying that they are going by their "standards and practices", even though there is no document indicating what those "standards and practices" are. They're claiming that their non-profit status grants them ownership. I disagree, but we are in CA and I can't say that I know every rule which pertains to NPOs. Any insights?

And yes, I understand it's going to cost me more than $100 worth of my time to pursue this, but it's worth it to me, even if the other families affected choose to write off the loss.

If the organization is truly a registered non-profit in the state of CA, they are required to submit documents to the CA Secretary of State (e.g. by-laws). If they have, you can get a copy of those from CA to see what is and isn't legally binding.

If you didn't sign a "contract" with the organization that details roles and responsibilities, you (and the other parents) are probably out of luck.

Lesson learned - move on.

Good luck.
Sep 18, 2011
Is it just a matter of who owns the equipment, or is there $100 per family that has vanished? Or maybe both? Sorry - just a bit confused.
Nov 18, 2013
I agree with WarriorNike. Let it go. The organization should have better "standards and practices", but I don't know if that rises to the level of stealing.

There's also a pretty good chance someone in your organization knows you post here and word will get out that you're on the internet accusing so and so of stealing.
Jan 24, 2009
What sort of equipment are you talking about? Bats, batbags, gloves or other personal-type items??


Are you talking screens, tees, pitching machines, team bats, ball caddies, etc? These are 'team' type items which carry over across some years and part of each year's money supports repairs/maintenence/replacements of this type of stuff. If this is the equipment that the team claims to own... which 1/12th of the pitcher's screen are you looking to get back?

As a PAY-RENT, you should expect the org/team to be good stewards of your money. It doesn't always happen. You have the right to ask about the details and where the money goes. You might not get a satisfactory answer.... but...

You still have the power to improve the accounting (volunteer for co-treasurer, etc), vote with your feet, or zip it.
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Mar 20, 2012
Sacramento, CA
Isn't Momo just about up to 14u age bracket? Once you get your $100 back, bring it to our team in Roseville. We are still looking for a couple more girls for Summer, and we've never had a dispute over funds.


Feb 20, 2012
Equipment purchases are often disputed, I know, but the organization is claiming that they "own" equipment purchased for the team with funds raised by the team via parent fees. No parent has signed any documents acknowledging release of rights to any team equipment that they(we) paid for.

Are we talking about equipment (bownets, softballs, ect) or are we talking about uniforms? I would agree that any equipment purchased is "owned" by the team. How do you split a used bownet 12 ways at the end of the season? For jerseys I have seen it go both ways. Some teams want them back and some teams they are yours to keep.


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May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
Equipment purchases are often disputed, I know, but the organization is claiming that they "own" equipment purchased for the team with funds raised by the team via parent fees.

99 out of 100 times, the organization owns the equipment.

You need to explain exactly how the equipment purchase occurred.

If the money went like this:

Parents => Organization => Coach (or team rep.) => buys equipment

Then, there is no dispute that the organization owns the equipment. The money went to and from the organization.

If the money was:

Parents => Coach => Coach buys equipment

Then, you might have a better argument. *BUT*, if the money was collected due to the sponsorship of the organization, then you are SOL.

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