HS Ball

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Aug 26, 2011
Houston, Texas
Adding to the above, I have to say that if she will regret going to the tryout, then she should do it. She has NOTHING to lose by trying out except a NO sorry. I bet she makes it. :)
Aug 26, 2011
Houston, Texas
I owe JJ and others an apology because I get carried away when it comes to defending HS. Few can understand where I am coming from and I should know that. When you have coached and helped programs turn around and then see the changes in the players, it is heartwarming. When you make HS sports so special to players and families and then you are asked to speak at the funerals of as many players as I have, you understand my perspective. When former players call you at the age of 40 and ask advice for their kids you will understand. When they call you with the births of their kids you will understand. One statement that was made in another thread was that it was not a coach's job to teach values. How sad. Values are exactly what I teach when I coach. I'm sure that again some will say that this is not my job. Talk to any parent of any player I've coached and listen to what they have to say. In a thousand years, I could not describe to you what I have experienced in 30 years of coaching 4 sports in HS. Well, I'll back out of this thread now. Again, I apologize to JJ and others for getting carried away.

Take care,


Thank you for posting this. I wish there were more HS coaches as you described. I am proud to say that my DD at least respects one of her HS coaches (the asst coach). She actually called her for advice on choosing a TB team...that was a first for her, and I hope that she has turned a corner towards a great relationship with her coach. :) I wish that all coaches/teachers alike shared your sentiments with regards to teaching values and life's lessons. Unfortunately, there are many out there that are in it to win and perhaps the job (who knows why...they deserve better pay than they get!).
Sep 29, 2014
You have to tryout to make it.... DD knows she has almost zero chance of making varsity as a junior next year, she was the coach named "MVP" of JV last year but there are 9 returning seniors (8 starters) from a team that was 17-5 for the regular season and made it to the second round of the playoffs last year (and a couple other underclassman that are guaranteed a spot). They might let juniors stay on JV (given the demographics they almost have to) but there are no promises but she had fun last year and is going to tryout again in the spring.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
Just so everyone knows, I'm am officially going to be coaching softball again at the HS level. I know I've posted this a couple of times but long ago. While it has taken a long time to get this done, I can't wait to get started. I'll be the JV Coach but in our school, JV and Varsity practice together. I'll serve as the hitting coach for all levels as well as the pitching coach. I will be coaching for my former assistant coach so we will simply reverse roles. We have been an excellent team in the past. Besides, she is my cousin. LOL!

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