HS Ball

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Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
DD was told she would not make her MS Team, she pitched 90% of the innings and batted 1st or 3rd.

She does not think she is good enough to play for the HS Team but she is still practicing.

My guess is come spring she will not tryout for the Team.

A few posters in a different thread described DD, just solid not great at anything but you want 9 of her on the field.

(Just getting my post count up)


Dad, Husband....legend
Jul 5, 2013
safe in an undisclosed location
As long as she doesn't want to have a job she should be fine. But tell her now that HS softball is a full time commitment and if her coach catches her so much as thinking about a job/college/boys/schoolwork/fun then she will implode the whole program and probably cause western civilization to cease as we know it. HS softball is serious business where they mold young women into workplace warriors, as long as they don't work at a job during this molding process. Where the coach instills values in 4 months that the inept parents could not instill in the previous 15-17 years. HS coaches are GODS among men and women and must be bowed to and submitted to in order to form a functional adult....

Or maybe she should just go out for the team and see what happens :) I am a big fan of the kid that doesn't stand out but always seems to avoid the boneheaded mistake.
Nov 18, 2013
As long as she doesn't want to have a job she should be fine. But tell her now that HS softball is a full time commitment and if her coach catches her so much as thinking about a job/college/boys/schoolwork/fun then she will implode the whole program and probably cause western civilization to cease as we know it. HS softball is serious business where they mold young women into workplace warriors, as long as they don't work at a job during this molding process. Where the coach instills values in 4 months that the inept parents could not instill in the previous 15-17 years. HS coaches are GODS among men and women and must be bowed to and submitted to in order to form a functional adult....

Or maybe she should just go out for the team and see what happens :) I am a big fan of the kid that doesn't stand out but always seems to avoid the boneheaded mistake.

Couldn't resist diving back in could ya. :)
Aug 31, 2011
Well, at our HS, everyone makes the team. They have 21 girls on the JV, MAYBE 5 of them know how to play, it's ridiculous.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
I owe JJ and others an apology because I get carried away when it comes to defending HS. Few can understand where I am coming from and I should know that. When you have coached and helped programs turn around and then see the changes in the players, it is heartwarming. When you make HS sports so special to players and families and then you are asked to speak at the funerals of as many players as I have, you understand my perspective. When former players call you at the age of 40 and ask advice for their kids you will understand. When they call you with the births of their kids you will understand. One statement that was made in another thread was that it was not a coach's job to teach values. How sad. Values are exactly what I teach when I coach. I'm sure that again some will say that this is not my job. Talk to any parent of any player I've coached and listen to what they have to say. In a thousand years, I could not describe to you what I have experienced in 30 years of coaching 4 sports in HS. Well, I'll back out of this thread now. Again, I apologize to JJ and others for getting carried away.

Take care,

Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
I owe JJ and others an apology because I get carried away when it comes to defending HS. Few can understand where I am coming from and I should know that. When you have coached and helped programs turn around and then see the changes in the players, it is heartwarming. When you make HS sports so special to players and families and then you are asked to speak at the funerals of as many players as I have, you understand my perspective. When former players call you at the age of 40 and ask advice for their kids you will understand. When they call you with the births of their kids you will understand. One statement that was made in another thread was that it was not a coach's job to teach values. How sad. Values are exactly what I teach when I coach. I'm sure that again some will say that this is not my job. Talk to any parent of any player I've coached and listen to what they have to say. In a thousand years, I could not describe to you what I have experienced in 30 years of coaching 4 sports in HS. Well, I'll back out of this thread now. Again, I apologize to JJ and others for getting carried away.

Take care,


If all coaches, HS, TB and College followed your lead things would be very different. I think HS gets a higher level of criticism since for 99% of the population there is no other choice available. You either play or you don't. You cannot go find another team. There are some great HS coaches out there, just as there is in TB and College. Likewise the ranks of HS, TB, and College have some folks that should be doing anything but coaching. If you find yourself in a HS program with a great coach like CB or some of the others on this board, please appreciate that blessing. If not, then it is what it is and it is up to you to help your DD make the most of the experience.


Dad, Husband....legend
Jul 5, 2013
safe in an undisclosed location
No need for any apology, you never got carried away in that thread IMO. But commenting on HS sports in general should also not be construed as a personal insult to you and your experience. I think it is possible for a coach to have all the experiences you had, all the good, all the success and still run a program where a kid can miss a little practice to go to work and have a role on the team. You ran your team(s) differently and that is fine but there is room for other types of good programs as well. Just because someone says solution 2 works does not mean solution 1 didn't.
Apr 1, 2010
DD was told she would not make her MS Team, she pitched 90% of the innings and batted 1st or 3rd.

She does not think she is good enough to play for the HS Team but she is still practicing.

My guess is come spring she will not tryout for the Team.

A few posters in a different thread described DD, just solid not great at anything but you want 9 of her on the field.

(Just getting my post count up)

So, she went from not good enough for the MS team to being their ace and one of their major batters. ;-) Try out for the HS team. It depends on their pipeline, but I have no doubt that she'll be starting varsity at some point. Just don't poison the well by not trying out. As someone once said, 90% of life is showing up.

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