How to teach power

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Blowhard in training
Aug 28, 2013
If her wrist hurt she was dropping her lead elbow.

BM does a better job than I ever could of explaining...look at about the 1:10 mark

Now you can buy a t-ball bat for $9 at wally world and chop the knob off of it to make it not hurt. Also, show her some of the video and video so she can see what she is NOT doing. One of my DD's is a very visual learner and this has helped immensely.

And lastly...have fun with this...CP
Nice job CP!
Jul 2, 2013
real power comes from the legs first. She has to have hog legs.

Then it come from her wrists and hand. She has to have "man hands".

then it is the technique. As much as you all want power with a forum board. You will not get it without the first two in this short post.
Jun 18, 2012
If her wrist hurt she was dropping her lead elbow.

BM does a better job than I ever could of explaining...look at about the 1:10 mark

Now you can buy a t-ball bat for $9 at wally world and chop the knob off of it to make it not hurt. Also, show her some of the video and video so she can see what she is NOT doing. One of my DD's is a very visual learner and this has helped immensely.

And lastly...have fun with this...CP

I have never seen that Boardmember clip. It is fantastic. I teach something close to what he is talking about with the front forearm/elbow and have taken a lot of indirect criticism from the local HS coach. Not only does he complain when he sees a player have any raise in their back elbow, he barks when he sees the front elbow going out and above the hands. He says it's wrong. Well, he may not like it, but where does he get off thinking he's the gate-keeper of what the right hitting mechanics are. I feel a bit vindicated by Boardmember's clip. Great clip!


A real searcher
May 27, 2012
Cmon Doug, its PVC with pipe insulation on both yourself some $$$ and make one:)
Aug 12, 2014
real power comes from the legs first. She has to have hog legs.

Then it come from her wrists and hand. She has to have "man hands".

then it is the technique. As much as you all want power with a forum board. You will not get it without the first two in this short post.

I know. I just can't figure out how to get her to use her lower body in her swing.
May 24, 2013
So Cal
I know. I just can't figure out how to get her to use her lower body in her swing.

Try this...

Set up a ball on a tee at waist level. Have your DD hold her bat across the front of her hips, the way BM is holding the stick in this drill. Hit the ball off the tee by firing the rear hip. This completely removes the hands and arms from the equation. The focus is on the feeling of getting the hips turning to the ball.
Oct 10, 2011

I know. I just can't figure out how to get her to use her lower body in her swing.

Try this...

Set up a ball on a tee at waist level. Have your DD hold her bat across the front of her hips, the way BM is holding the stick in this drill. Hit the ball off the tee by firing the rear hip. This completely removes the hands and arms from the equation. The focus is on the feeling of getting the hips turning to the ball.
The videos say the are unavailable when I hit the links.
May 3, 2014
Your legs need to be active in the sense that as you stride out with the front leg - the rear leg is holding its position stretching muscles in the back, arse and legs to the point that when you start to swing every muscles that got stretched now contracts into a powerful lower body move without much effort.

Just like throwing.

Most girls don't throw well because they don't know how to use their legs correctly - same goes for hitting.

Try some crow hopping throws to start to get the feel for the legs. Both legs.

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