How our DDs ended up on college teams

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May 27, 2013
Because plastering it all over Social media is obnoxious and really serves no purpose?? Not sure I would want my kid to play for somebody who only got interested because other teams were interested...

Agree. I honestly haven’t seen it with softball but have seen football kids doing this a lot - posting every offer they receive. If I was the coach of one of the other teams that offered I definitely would not be happy and might rescind that offer - but that’s just me.
Jun 8, 2016
Agree. I honestly haven’t seen it with softball but have seen football kids doing this a lot - posting every offer they receive. If I was the coach of one of the other teams that offered I definitely would not be happy and might rescind that offer - but that’s just me.
I see it A LOT in girls basketball.
Sep 6, 2012
Agree. I honestly haven’t seen it with softball but have seen football kids doing this a lot - posting every offer they receive. If I was the coach of one of the other teams that offered I definitely would not be happy and might rescind that offer - but that’s just me.
I'm hearing "control" over girls to keep them from having the power and control over their own recruitment process. I'm a dad & recognize situations that wouldn't fly for males that somehow are acceptable when it happens to my girls.

I'm hearing this from these parents & it sounds like a school coach trying to control a girl's recruitment to keep her under wraps from their competition rather than just outright gaining a kid because of your school.

The one girl who announced her basketball offers wound up going to a $75k year private school not far from her father's place of employment/travel for work where they have a 2nd home. She'd not have even known the school existed if not for posting that offer from a rival school.
When you say you'd rescind that just sounds like a guy trying to control a girl's future rather than wanting the best for the kid and doing the best at your job as a coach & recruiter.

I wanted to tell the other parent "You're a damn fool if you think it's in your kid's best interest to keep that offer a secret. Announce it. You don't know what school might be out there waiting to meet your kid and fight for her. You 100% WILL NOT find that other school if you don't announce it."
Sep 6, 2012
My point in asking I suppose is that I'm looking to see if there are examples from parents/players of announcing an offer via social media and it changing your DD's recruitment trajectory.
Jun 8, 2016
You don't know what school might be out there waiting to meet your kid and fight for her. You 100% WILL NOT find that other school if you don't announce it."
You control the process by choosing a large (initially) group of schools you are interested in both athletically and academically and get (and stay) in contact with them. Yeah you might miss some schools initially but if you are continuously doing your homework you won’t miss many..
Sep 9, 2019
Offers come after some commitment from the school as well as perceived interest from you. If you want to parade your DD as a free agent, go ahead but expect that same level of commitment from them.
Aug 6, 2013
My point in asking I suppose is that I'm looking to see if there are examples from parents/players of announcing an offer via social media and it changing your DD's recruitment trajectory.
I will say this - we have a girl (2023) that played on DD's team last season that posts every school visit she has. I know some offers have been made at those visits because of talks with the girl. I will say it has not affected her recruitment one bit. She still hasn't committed and hasn't gone on a bunch of other "visits" either. *edited to say - this girl is talented. Way talented. Has offers just wants MORE*

I get where you are coming from but softball (and baseball) is different than football and basketball for that matter. Football and basketball (at the D1 level) are also head count sports. Meaning they get almost their full roster of scholarships. That's a lot for football (not sure of how many) and 12 for basketball. SB & BB are equivalency sports and only get a few scholarships to parse out between many players. Also keep in mind that number of scholarships is what is allowed by the NCAA - if a school's sports program isn't fully funded then they get even less to give out. It's just not an apples to apples comparison.
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Jun 8, 2016
My point in asking I suppose is that I'm looking to see if there are examples from parents/players of announcing an offer via social media and it changing your DD's recruitment trajectory.
I doubt, in 2022, most coaches will care unless they are old Fuddy Duddies like me and just don’t like the “Hey look at me” aspect of it. They realize that is what a lot of kids do nowadays when they get multiple offers and most are not naive enough to think their offer is the only one a kid is going to get..

That said I don't think it serves a purpose so why take a chance at offending an old Fuddy Duddie (is that correct spelling of "Fuddy Duddie"...anybody???)
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May 27, 2013
When you say you'd rescind that just sounds like a guy trying to control a girl's future rather than wanting the best for the kid and doing the best at your job as a coach & recruiter.

Lol! Nope - definitely not a guy - and not trying to control anyone’s future.

I look at it this way - these schools put a lot of time and effort into a player and their recruitment if they get to the point of an offer. Then it looks like the player is just throwing it in their face by posting all the other offers.

Recruiting is similar to dating. Announcing all the offers is like announcing everyone else you are dating at the same time. Don’t think anyone would be happy about that in the end.

Again, just my opinion.

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