how important is a website to recruiting?

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Nov 18, 2013
In our case it was the website that led us to our first travel club. I didn’t know who the good programs were so I asked around and looked up the teams people told me about on the internet. The ones with little or out of date information were dropped to the bottom of my list.

Coaches do peruse the internet looking for players so a professional, up to date website will help with recruiting. DD has a 2012 skills video out on YouTube. It’s nothing special, but as late as this summer coaches were contacting her after running across it. There’s plenty of schools that are desperate for players. These weren’t top 10 schools obviously, but they’re places that provide a good education and might be the perfect fit for someone.
Jun 22, 2015
I think that the fancy org websites are selling points to the players and their parents...not the college coach. Not sure how much stock I would put in college coaches actually perusing organization websites...they ain't got time for that. LOL.

I call bullshit on that EVERY college coach googles a prospective player. If you have a good website person working that angle it is an invaluable tool. The key is a good website person who knows SEO metadata, etc. and how to work the Web to your advantage. Think about it - if the first thing "Suzi Smith" is her skills, stats and softball related life in general instead of their personal social media that's going to make an impression and I don't care what anyone says it makes them see more legit. As for organization of they don't have a web presence they're kinda backwards - not sayin they don't have great teams or great coaches but how are they going to help you drive your kids web recruiting strategy so that means you are on your own in that area

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Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
I call bullshit on that EVERY college coach googles a prospective player. If you have a good website person working that angle it is an invaluable tool. The key is a good website person who knows SEO metadata, etc.

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You do not need to spend much time on SEO and metadata. All the team website needs to do is make it easier to follow a prospect that is on a coaches radar. Any promotional fluff or stats are irrelevant as it has zero credibility. Not every coach but the vast majority use google and other tools to research prospects. They would be fools if they did not. I personally perform this type of service for several coaches at various levels. When they contact me they are looking for a reason why NOT to consider the prospect.
Jun 22, 2015
Whatever you are using to put profiles up is doing a watered down version of those functions- if it works for you that's great.

Lol -And please give me the name of the coach that is not at least googling a prospect??

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