How hard is it to catch? Not a player, but a dad? :)

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Jan 18, 2010
In your face
It is funny the things we take for granted. Now I could probably catch a lightning bolt from Zues himself, I could knock your cowboy hat off from 60'6 without scratching your head..............but I could never throw a football correctly ( it was ugly ), you wouldn't want me on your basketball team as my dribbling was horrific, golf I can drive it a mile......but will spend 2-4 shots putting, Lord knows you don't want me to pitch fastpitch. lol

So don't get frustrated catching, sometimes things look so easy, when they're not.
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Mar 8, 2012
South Carolina
I suite up and catch for our teams. I actually like it - keeps me from getting old. Best advice I can give you in wear your cup, your throat guard and keep your throwing hand behind you.

The girls on your team will love it. I know mine do.
Feb 18, 2014
I at first thought this was a badly worded lonely hearts post.

I take a beating from the pitches in the dirt, so at least some shin guards and a helmet.

And if you didn't have a bownet I would say get the Easton...... I have both and now prefer it.
Feb 21, 2012
If you have the bownet frame already, you can buy replacement nets. Just get the regular net, not the bigmouth (based on what you are doing). If the pitcher still needs a target you can squat behind the bownet. It doesn't push back that much, you will figure out the depth after 2-3 pitches.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
Dont do it CB, take the advice from others.....

What if I take video? It could serve as a lesson to others and could go viral.

In many cases, I'll be able to find a real catcher. Trying to find solutions for times when I can't.

The net might work. I have one of those old blue ones, the kind where it takes a team of engineers to get back in the package it came in. And I have the bownet, although it's for pitching out of, not into.
Dec 29, 2010
Title when a bucket dad tries catch bp! I tried many moons ago, never caught before in my life, have good hand eye coordination. Could not get use to the blinking when dd swung her bat. Did someone say foultips to the face? That mask protects but get a foul tip that dd just misses squaring up on u will see little birdies.

To all the young catchers out there learning their craft, if anyone tries to minimize your skills, switch positions with the offending party. If it is an adult, (helicopter dad, loud mouth, overbearing never caught coach) take video.

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