Hitting is the hardest part of the game

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Nov 1, 2009
We really like our girls to swing 150-200 times a day. I don't even care if they hit a ball off a tee or just swing at air. Muscle memory is what you strive for and as a coach you should be able to give enough instruction to get them started.


Apr 24, 2011
If possible hit every day on the field. Get an "L" screen and toss balls to the girls in groups of four. Five rounds of eight swings every day on the field (on top of the 150-200 in the cage). The other groups (that are not hitting at the time) can be getting ground ball work and fly ball work done on the field during batting practice (coaches hitting to them and/or reading "live" balls off the bat).

The reason batting practice on the field is so important? They see the fight of the ball and get a true sense of what the ball is actually doing off the bat. When they only hit into a cage or catch-net, they don't get the benefit of seeing the ball flight.

Defense gets to field real batted balls and hitters get to apply the things that they work on in the cage. It works if you know how to structure it and do it every day.

By the way it only takes about 45 mins to get it done. Spend the remaining time on team defenses and pitching, then repeat tomorrow.
May 31, 2009
The only way a players is going to become a good hitter is to practice at home.

My philosophy on this. Team practice is where you get instruction from your coaches. What to fix and how to fix it and a few reps to make sure you understand what is being taught. Outside of team practice is where you put in the hundreds of reps it's going to take to fix the things that need fixing.

I don't think 30 - 40 swings, if that, during all skills practice and 1.5 - 2 hours drills and BP is enough to make anyone a good hitter. Especially when these are the times that coaches are trying to achieve change and improvement.

I agree with Bishop.

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