Help! 13u looking for suggestions.

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Apr 21, 2020
My DD has been pitching for years we seem to be at a stand still when it comes to her pitching. What do you see?? She is pretty consistent with spots for the most part. Some walks in games. 1-3. But she has been at a stand still in speed for years. She is 5’9 and is throwing 55-56 mph has fastball, a drop, and a change up… I feel like we are missing something. Something big. Looking for suggestions.

Looking for a mechanical fix is only one way to approach this. What are you doing right now to increase her velocity? Someone mentioned weight training, are you using weighted balls or doing long toss? Does she have a part of her pitching practice where she just goes 'all out' and focuses purely on throwing faster?
She is currently in week 2 of strength and speed and agility 3 days per week. So she definitely starting to work towards the goal of getting stronger.. we watched the brush interference videos and are definitely going to start working that 4 days per week. She does have a weighted ball that she can start working with as well. She does long toss when she warms up..
Apr 21, 2020
we are currently working one B/I . My daughter really seems to pull her shoulders when it comes time to full pitch, she can do the drills and complete B/I but not in full pitch because she pulls her shoulders. And is square to the catcher at release most times. Suggestions on staying more open.


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May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
we are currently working one B/I . My daughter really seems to pull her shoulders when it comes time to full pitch, she can do the drills and complete B/I but not in full pitch because she pulls her shoulders. And is square to the catcher at release most times. Suggestions on staying more open.
When a girl starts maturing, her hips spread and the bosom grows. Before your DD didn't make that much contact with her body. Now she does, and she is fighting to avoid that contact with her body. In fact, that contact is almost essential to become really, really good.

1. Tell her to stand tall
2. Tell her to bring her body to the arm. (Note that it is *NOT* bring the arm to the body. It is bring the body to the arm.)

I attached a picture of Whitney Canion. Canion was a great pitcher, probably the best in the US at one time. This is where your DD needs to be. Notice that her shoulders are over her hips, and her hips are over her legs.


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Last edited:
May 15, 2008
Cape Cod Mass.
She is currently in week 2 of strength and speed and agility 3 days per week. So she definitely starting to work towards the goal of getting stronger.. we watched the brush interference videos and are definitely going to start working that 4 days per week. She does have a weighted ball that she can start working with as well. She does long toss when she warms up..
Give the weight training program time to work, getting stronger will affect her mechanics.

Weighted ball practice includes lighter as well as heavier balls. The heavier balls are for strength and the lighter balls train fast twitch muscle fibers. Go smooth with the heavy balls to prevent injury and fast with the light balls.

I never heard of doing long toss as a warm up. Long toss puts stress on the system, it should be done as one of the last parts of practice. You should be spent when you're finished. Walk-ins are not long toss.

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