Hate to do it, but I have another scoring question.

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Jan 12, 2010
ITB, runner on second gets sac bunted to 3rd base. Sac fly brings the run home. Is this an earned run? Unearned run?
My daughter gave one of these up in the 8th inning of a 0-0 ball game last summer. We lost 1-0, it was bad enough for her to take the loss, just wondering if she gave up an earned run as well.
Dec 23, 2009
San Diego
I would focus more on the fact that your DD evidently pitched a gem. Of course it's an earned run - the run didn't score on a error. But that's not the story...at least from my perspective...
Sep 18, 2011
I would focus more on the fact that your DD evidently pitched a gem. Of course it's an earned run - the run didn't score on a error. But that's not the story...at least from my perspective...

I disagree. I've heard numerous times that the run is earned but it's charged to the team, NOT the individual. I can't point to a specific rule, and i know anecdotal evidence is pretty flimsy, but, well, there it is.
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
I disagree. I've heard numerous times that the run is earned but it's charged to the team, NOT the individual. I can't point to a specific rule, and i know anecdotal evidence is pretty flimsy, but, well, there it is.

I believe 29dad is correct. It's charged to the team. Let me look for the rule and I'll paste.
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
14.30.1 A run scored by the player starting as a runner at second base shall be charged to the defensive team and not the pitcher. Whether a run scored by any other player shall be charged to the pitcher is up to the judgment of the official scorer.
14.30.2 If action by a subsequent batter, such as a field- er’s choice, causes the lead-off runner to be put out, the first run scored that inning may be charged to the team. (Example: If a runner reaches first base safely on a fielder’s choice as a result of a first-to-third putout, this new runner still is charged to the team.)
14.30.3 If the lead-off runner at second is put out with- out action by the batter (e.g., caught stealing, picked off or leaving the base early), then no run scored in that half- inning is charged to the team.
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
1. A run charged to the “team” is neither earned nor un- earned because there is no actual person to whom the run is to be charged. It is technically impossible for the “team” to have an earned-run average, because the “team” will always have zero innings pitched.
2. In the statistical pitching summary for a game using the
tiebreaker rule, “team” is listed as a pitcher. The only statistic recorded for “team” is total runs allowed. The total runs al- lowed by a team may exceed the sum total of earned and un- earned runs. The box score will not prove as it normally does since there is usually an extra runner left on base for each in- ning in which the rule is in effect.
Oct 22, 2009
From ATEC:
10. If a tie-breaker runner scores from second base and the pitcher is held accountable for all bases gained, score the run earned but do not charge it to that pitcher, charge it to the team. (See tiebreaker scoring on page 32).
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
This is how I've always understood it.

Let's say your team has given up 8 runs so far in the game, your pitcher has given up 6 unearned and 2 earned. Here comes tie breaker. Runner on second scores. The official stats for the team read 9 runs allowed, the stats for the pitcher only read 8 runs, the TB runner is a "ghost" for the pitching stats.

Oct 22, 2009
The box score will not prove as it normally does since there is usually an extra runner left on base for each inning in which the rule is in effect.

Agree, this is the only way to account for the runner placed at 2B to start the inning. Not sure how else you could score it?

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