Gone to college, the house is quiet

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Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
DFP = Dyslexic Finger Phenomena

With DD#4 at SC it is just me, DW and to brainless Jack Russel's. Really strange that the remote is always where I left it, my DVR has less crap recorded, food is always in the refrigerator, I can park in my driveway... However, seems like every time I get a phone call it costs me money.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
DD called yesterday, they are getting special rings for winning conference 3 years in a row. We talked for about an hour and I wanted to keep talking to her. The wife and I talked afterwards about downsizing the home now. We have 4 bedrooms, 4 baths and 2 old people. How did she grow up and how did I get this old?
Oct 4, 2011
DD is playing her (most likely) last season this fall as a high school senior. I always thought I'd miss it, and I know that I will, but life moves on. DD was flattered this past summer with several looks from colleges, including an offer that she declined at the last minute. Interestingly, I think my mom is taking it harder than I am. My mom called the other day and said that she is going to fly out here from MA for DD's Senior Day game. "It's the last time I'll get to see her play," my mom said tearfully. Funny, I don't recall her tearing up for MY last game - ha ha.

Good Luck to you and yours, China. I'll be right there with you before I know it. Go Blue! (Unless you're a Spartan - both good! My son and I will be watching State play Oregon football - should be a great game)
Nov 26, 2010
She called me yesterday. After 2 actual days of class and she is bored. "I'm trying out for the club softball team"

So then she says. Its so expensive, its going to cost me $500 dollars if I make the team, it includes travel, hotels and meals. I just laughed and laughed.

When I reminded her of what her team cost last year not including hotels and food she said "it never bothered me before, you were paying it" And then she laughed and laughed.
Oct 19, 2009
I'm right here.
College club and intramural teams offer a great opportunity to get the competitive juices flowing while discovering and playing sports that aren't available in most high schools.

I'll attest to that!....I love badminton and signed up for intramural badminton in college. Thought it was going to be pretty cool till my first opponent showed up with about 4 personal rackets in individual carrying bags. Birdies were slamming and pelting me like no one's business...I felt like the one last hopeless kid left on one side in a game of dodge ball.

Fortunately no one I knew was watching!
Jun 18, 2013
When I was in college we had regular pick up basketball games at our gym. I would go a few nights a week with a guy that I played in High School with and a girl that we both worked with that also played in High School. We loved it because most of the teams were full of frat boys that thought they were studs. My buddy and I had won a state championship in HS and both had offers to play at small schools and the girl had played 4 years of varsity ball and could have played college ball but just didn't have any interest in doing it. It was hilarious watching the frat teams put their worst player on her until she scorched him a few times and then they would rotate. Then we would abuse whoever we felt needed it the most until they would switch again. We could usually make most of the teams start fighting with themselves by the end of the night.

Ken Krause

May 7, 2008
Mundelein, IL
My oldest daughter had no ambition to play in college. Nor could she have played at the University she chose. But her softball skills didn't go completely to waste.

She was in a sorority and would participate in the inter-Greek games or whatever they had, on coed teams. She was a highly valued commodity because she not only fulfilled the requirement for "girl" but could actually play. She would sometimes complain about the poor skills of some of the guys, though.

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