Glove Radar Question

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Aug 21, 2008
Boston, MA
Just got one of these and I think it's a cool tool.

I have a question for those of you out there that also use this. Is it's performance compromised at all by using it on a catcher's mitt? It seems to be somewhat inconsistent. sometimes registering a faster pitch speed for a pitch that was not as fast as the previous pitch. I could see this happening on pitches that I have to reach for off the plate, but sometimes it is not registering at all for a pitch that comes straight in over the plate, into the glove. Sometimes it does't register at all for pitches that are not far off.

The first time I used it, I located it behind the fingers, but it was always pointing down (more or less) when I would catch. results were very erratic. not registering at all for some straighter, easy to track pitches.
Now I've located it just below the web so it is right behind the "L" formed by the Thumb and index finger and results are much better, but not as consistent as I would like.

any observations or recommendations for getting more consistent readings?

Oct 2, 2012
on the Field
I use it on a catchers mitt and get pretty consistent results. No worse with the catchers mitt vs regular glove. Sometimes when you move the glove a good bit to catch a pitch the reading is not correct. However, straight into the glove it get pretty consistent readings. I have checked it along side the Bushnell gun our brand new Juggs pitching machine and a cops speed gun and it has been very good +/- 1 mph on a good solid catch.



Aug 21, 2008
Boston, MA
Thanks- the inconsistencies are probably due to glove movement. we just got it so we've been using it a lot to experiment . thanks for the photo, that is the location I have been using with better results. good to know I'm barking up the right tree :)
May 9, 2014
I haven't used a glove radar, but have been pretty happy with my pocket radar (always on ball coach model) on a lanyard around the neck. I am kinda wondering about the movement of the glove versus the accuracy of the device in general, i might see if I can attach the pocket radar to the glove somehow and see if it affects accuracy (of course getting the readings will be hard as the display is on the wrong side of the pocket radar.

As a scientist I always think about these kinds of experiments... then if I had one I could attach a glove radar to a tripod... the possibilities.


Aug 21, 2008
Boston, MA
I think my problem has a LOT to do with glove movement!
Yesterday we tried it again and this time I made a concerted effort to hold the glove steady and the results seemed more consistent. I had never realized that when I catch, I always give a bit with the glove. when I stopped doing that, speeds increased a little but more importantly, the pitches that came in harder/faster registered a higher speed on the radar than the slower pitches.
Oct 2, 2012
on the Field
No doubt you get more consistent readings when the one throwing the ball hits their spot and there is little glove movement. I mainly use mine to see increase trends in speed.
Jul 14, 2010
I have mine mounted directly on the webbing of a catchers mitt and it works pretty well. You definitely get varied readings if you move the glove to catch the ball. "Sticking" a pitch will give you a +3MPH reading if you're into showing off your kid's velocity to onlookers. :p

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