Do you have goals with your skillsets?

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Dec 13, 2019
Player stats show things like batting averages and fielding %`s.

Here sharing about growing those stats
by setting Skillset Goals~
*Throwing Speed
*Transition Speed
*Throwing Distance
*Throwing Accuracy
* Running Speed
*Hitting to Locations
*Hitting Power
*Foot work on bases or turning plays
*Fielding range
*Ability to dive for bases/plays
*:) just be able to bunt
*catch and throw without dropping the ball ?✔
These type of Goals!!!

SO I'm asking :) ;)
Are you just participating?
? what goals are you dedicated to ?!!!

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Jun 26, 2019
I had my 10u kids doing a few defensive drills. I had a hard time keeping them
Interested untill i started timing them. Goal was to beat themselves. They are just starting to “get” defense. Give them a couple weeks and I am goingbyo bring in some 12u kids as base runners. I am thinking this: put a fast 12year old on 1st with one out, fast 12u players to hit, get out of the inning with giving up as few runs as possible with older kids only allowed to bunt. Trying to get them to practice in “go really fast” mode.
Very short term goals so far LOL
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Jan 24, 2020
When I coached, I was a firm believer in targeting a combination of skillsets with a given drill. A team has limited practice time. Any given defensive play in a game requires a combination of actions to be executed to be successful. If I am hitting grounders to infielders or flyballs to outfielders they are only working one skill, and the brain is essentially disengaged. However, if you switch do doing situational work, there is a lot of standing around waiting for your turn, neither of these adequately prepares girls for games. I was always looking for ways to engage more girls in more ways more of the time during practice, thereby maximizing the efficiency of our 2 hours. I felt that as coach that was my job, if I wanted the girls to go hard, learn and get better, I should set the example by being creative and challenging them in many different ways. The easiest way to amp up the intensity was always to add some form of competition. But there were other ways to pinpoint specific skills that were more applicable to the games themselves. I never limited myself to the drills that I had been taught or the ones on YouTube. It was always fun to look at something from another sport, or ask what happens if we mash drill A & B together in some form of game. Our coaching staff always felt we had a successful practice when the girls were smiling and complaining to their parents that they were too tired to take off their cleats.


Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
When I coached, I was a firm believer in targeting a combination of skillsets with a given drill. A team has limited practice time. Any given defensive play in a game requires a combination of actions to be executed to be successful. If I am hitting grounders to infielders or flyballs to outfielders they are only working one skill, and the brain is essentially disengaged. However, if you switch do doing situational work, there is a lot of standing around waiting for your turn, neither of these adequately prepares girls for games. I was always looking for ways to engage more girls in more ways more of the time during practice, thereby maximizing the efficiency of our 2 hours. I felt that as coach that was my job, if I wanted the girls to go hard, learn and get better, I should set the example by being creative and challenging them in many different ways. The easiest way to amp up the intensity was always to add some form of competition. But there were other ways to pinpoint specific skills that were more applicable to the games themselves. I never limited myself to the drills that I had been taught or the ones on YouTube. It was always fun to look at something from another sport, or ask what happens if we mash drill A & B together in some form of game. Our coaching staff always felt we had a successful practice when the girls were smiling and complaining to their parents that they were too tired to take off their cleats.
Great read! Good Stuff!

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