Disruptive Parent Poll

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Can a disruptive parent affect child's opportunities

  • No does not affect at all

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • Yes can be a problem

    Votes: 16 29.6%
  • No it should not

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes it should and does

    Votes: 21 38.9%
  • No coaches shouldnt let parent affect their decision

    Votes: 4 7.4%
  • Yes coaches should evaluate parent on decision making

    Votes: 12 22.2%

  • Total voters
Jun 29, 2023
We are in a mid size media market. Everyone knows who the problem parents are by 14u and their kids are taking on or not with them very much in the calculation.
Nov 26, 2010
For 1st year 12U, DD's team picked up a very good player with a parent who could be a pain in the bottom. It was a bumpy road the entire year. He yelled instructions, called pitches from the stands, ... In short, his reputation got worse. As the TB season was about 2/3rds over, he went to the HC and said that he was going to take his DD off of the team if she did not pitch the championship gave of a big tournament. She did not pitch that game and, true to his word, he took her off the team. There was almost a celebration when that happened. She was going to be a big time player according to him and we were keeping her down by pitching lesser pitchers. All of those lesser pitchers eventually played in college while his DD did not.
Was her name Ray Ray by any chance?
May 29, 2015
As the TB season was about 2/3rds over, he went to the HC and said that he was going to take his DD off of the team if she did not pitch the championship gave of a big tournament.

My high school has been undergoing renovations and new construction for the last few years, including a beautiful new atrium that the building circles around. Many of the students expressed concerns about the glass. Repeatedly I assured them the glass was not going to shatter, and nobody was going to fall three floors to the atrium tile below. Repeatedly. Repeatedly.

Finally, I was in a mood one day and was sick of answering the question "What happens when somebody goes through the glass and falls?" I looked at them and said, "Some problems take care of themselves."

As the TB season was about 2/3rds over, he went to the HC and said that he was going to take his DD off of the team if she did not pitch the championship gave of a big tournament.

Some problems take care of themselves.
Jul 18, 2022
My DD is finishing her 2nd year 12U season. Everyone knows who all the "trouble" parents are across the various organizations. It's unfortunate, but it ends up being a package as parents will determine if the player is there on time, there at all, or causing havoc in the stands and sidelines. They can also introduce a lot of drama and division within the team, when kids (aka parents) are already vying for a spot in the lineup and trying to be supportive teammates.
Sep 22, 2021
Sioux Falls, SD
Bad parents, manipulating parents, toxic parents...can break the player, other players, and the team in general. Parents should always be spoken to and evaluated while trying out players. It's also an easy deciding factor when you are comparing talent levels that are close. Avoid the red flag parents at all costs!
Jun 20, 2015
a dad demanding that starting spot or leaving.... that's easiest decision ever. I'll make it easy for you, she's not starting... leave now.


Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
I will cut a family for the benefit of all the other families in a second.
As others have said, everything gets better within the team when you take care of it (even if the leaving player is talented)

The best part of this in travel is that at some point around 1st year 14U, ALL the problem families run out of places to go and end up creating their own team coached jointly by the 3 worst parents (normally dads) who 'know best'. And it is the most entertaining train wreck...

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