DD Better At Another Sport--Maybe?

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Nov 26, 2010
My dd has had success at several sports, she is not fast but she was the MIP and the MVP of her 8th grade track team. She ran the 800 and 2 hurdle events. In 9th grade she lettered in softball and this year, she was MVP of the JV volleyball team at HS this and the Offensive MVP of the JV basketball team. If she told me she was done playing softball and wanted to focus on one of the other sports I wouldn't hesitate for a second to make it happen for her. If its what she wants, then thats the way it is.
Oct 4, 2011
My daughter made a switch TO softball. She was a very good piano player - she could have been extremely good. We even went a little crazy and bought a very expensive piano which now noone plays! DD has very long fingers and a natural ability. Her piano teacher cried when DD told her she was quitting. Now she uses those long fingers for pitching - does anyone out there need a piano? :)


Mar 8, 2012
South Carolina
My daughter as much as she loves softball puts way more effort in her tennis career. She is a good rising pitcher on her team but also she is the only 8th grader in our schools history to letter in tennis being the 2nd seed starter for the majority of tennis season. She takes tennis lessons and pitching lessons once a week. Never has played TB for softball but does play in little tennis tournaments through out the year.

Just because she is good at another sport is not the end of the world. As long as she is doing some form of physical activity I am happy.


Crazy Daddy
Oct 31, 2008
We have always given our daughters access to any sport/activity they are interested in. The ONLY limit that we have put on them was that they could only play 1 sport per season once they were in High School. My oldest chose to show horses and be in FFA; my youngest chose basketball and softball. My oldest trains and shows horses for a living and my youngest is going to University on a softball scholarship.

My youngest holds MS shotput records and I figured that she would choose track in HS. She didn't and we supported her 100% with no external input.

It is her life. Give her the opportunities and let her do with them what she will.
Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
My dd tried basketball a few years back...it was a peer pressure decision because a few of her closest friends were playing... after watching the train wreck of her ball handling skills, we tried to make her a pf or c to utilize her size to just pull boards, but her two inch vertical wasnt helping.... we stuck to softball. LOL ;)
Oct 7, 2009
Maybe a not so interesting story:

When I was in HS, the track program struggled. They only had a handful of athletes, and needless to say, they didn't do well. The track coach approached the football coach and said, "Look, your players get out of shape in the off season, and I need athletes. I propose you make your football players do a spring sport to keep up their conditioning. I'll take everyone who wants to be on the track team, the rest can do baseball or whatever." The coach tells us about the new off season condition requirement. A few go play baseball, but most of us (me included) figured we'd better try track. So the track team goes from about 5 or 6 athletes to over 30. Guess what. A lot of us (myself included) found out that we really liked football, but we LOVED track. The track team finished 2nd in the section and several of us went to states in our events.

I have been trying to get my daughter to go out for track. Like your daughter, she's very fast, and I honestly think she'd have a ball doing track. I have told her about the friendships she'll make, the fun that you have with so much downtime before and after your event, etc. No sale. Not interested.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
I'm wondering if she would be better off running track than playing softball? What a dreaded thought I know :( She hasn't mentioned anything to us other than she wants to run in track for her MS instead of playing softball, which I'm 100% behind. MS softball last year was horrible, and I don't see that changing this year.

Has anyone else have these sort of thoughts ( day-mares )?

Why do you dread the thought that she might be better at track?

Not sure if this is what you're asking, but I think it's more important to find your favorite sport than your best sport.
Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
My dd tried basketball a few years back...it was a peer pressure decision because a few of her closest friends were playing... after watching the train wreck of her ball handling skills, we tried to make her a pf or c to utilize her size to just pull boards, but her two inch vertical wasnt helping.... we stuck to softball. LOL ;)

I am easily amused.

If DD is on the court there is no freebies, you are going to need to shoot over her. Her coach decided she should be at the C position and clang up the middle. One of the few times I felt sorry for DD, she was jumping and the other team had a few player that their feet never left the ground and DD still could not get to the ball. She was fouling them and they didn’t even notice.
Jun 21, 2010
Why do you dread the thought that she might be better at track?

Not sure if this is what you're asking, but I think it's more important to find your favorite sport than your best sport.

I've spent 9 years watching her playing softball. Early on I noticed she was always better than most of the girls she played with. Got her into TB and have spent alot of time and money keeping her competitive. I never feared she would stop playing because she loves the game so much, so, I kinda dread not watching her play softball if it came to that. But that said, I would be excited for her if she did choose track next year over softball. My oldest son ran XC for 4 years and track for 6 years. My youngest son will start his track career this spring as a 6th grader. I really enjoyed the environment.

We'll see what she thinks after today's first practice :eek: I hear the coach likes to run them alot. DD likes to work hard ( she also works out at a boxing gym ), but one thing she doesn't like is running long distances :D
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
I've spent 9 years watching her playing softball. Early on I noticed she was always better than most of the girls she played with. Got her into TB and have spent alot of time and money keeping her competitive. I never feared she would stop playing because she loves the game so much, so, I kinda dread not watching her play softball if it came to that. But that said, I would be excited for her if she did choose track next year over softball. My oldest son ran XC for 4 years and track for 6 years. My youngest son will start his track career this spring as a 6th grader. I really enjoyed the environment.

We'll see what she thinks after today's first practice :eek: I hear the coach likes to run them alot. DD likes to work hard ( she also works out at a boxing gym ), but one thing she doesn't like is running long distances :D

I'd certainly miss softball if my daughter decided to do something else, but like you, I think I'd be excited about that 'something else' if it were track or any gainful hobby that she loved. ..

There's a girl on my daughter's travel team whose main asset is her speed. She's good at softball too, hits leadoff, high average, great in CF, etc. But she tried cross country as a 9th grader last fall and loved it, though she was only decent at it. She was a beginner. But the XC coach is the track coach and invited her for indoor track season/workouts. Turns out she's about the 4th-fastest girl on the team as a freshman. So she decides to run spring track instead of spring softball. Dad doesn't like it. But her newly found love of track is very evident to me. If I ask her, 'What'd you do at track today?' her face lights up. So I'm thinking 'follow your heart.' Track & field is very competitive in the sprints in terms of scholarships, but she loves running and loves the meets, which are conducive to socializing, which she also likes. She's still playing travel ball.

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