DD Better At Another Sport--Maybe?

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Jun 21, 2010
Something occurred to me a few days ago and got me to thinking. DD is a very fast runner. Fastest in her MS class ( 8th grade ), and fastest on her TB team. I watched her at practice doing some running drills and she is amazingly very fast. Now, she is what I and many other's consider an above average softball player. Catches and plays OF. Rarely strikes out, and when on base has great running instincts. But, I'm wondering if she would be better off running track than playing softball? What a dreaded thought I know :( She hasn't mentioned anything to us other than she wants to run in track for her MS instead of playing softball, which I'm 100% behind. MS softball last year was horrible, and I don't see that changing this year.

Has anyone else have these sort of thoughts ( day-mares )?

I should mentioned that DD has been playing softball since she was 5 yo. She's been doing TB for the last 3 years.
Sep 17, 2009
If she is incredibly fast, she should consider switching over to slapping so she can utilize and show off that speed. Stop her catching immediately and teach her to be an amazing centerfielder. Teach her to be uber-disruptive on the bases, again using her speed.

You can do/work on these things even if her middle school and even current travel teams aren't great...

Have a long-term view and understand those skills will be in incredible demand by high school, travel and college coaches -- and your DD will get a kick out of developing them and "owning" them.

Softball has GOT to be way more fun than the 100 yard dash : >
Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
I don’t know if the school has a cross country team. Niece did this and it did not interfere with SB because they where done a different times of the year,
Jun 21, 2010
XC is fall and long distance. The type of running DD doesn't like. I like the idea of her working on slapping. Actually, the TB coaches are working with her and the faster girls at slapping and drag bunts. Her base running is aggressive and she's exciting to watch once she gets on base. She likes to get into the head of the catcher and make them make an error.
Apr 1, 2010
I think it depends upon what she likes to do. Track is great in its own way; it is a far more solitary pursuit than softball. Other than passing the baton in relays, there isn't a lot of coordination with fellow teammates. Outside of those relays, you're alone out there and whether you win or lose is all on you. IMO running is more painful and lonely than softball, but some kids really thrive on it and are happier not being dependent upon others and vice versa.
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Oct 22, 2009
If your DD does not want to play HS ball, she definitely has the option to run track for her school and play travel in the summer. Will not interfere at all and does not hurt her chances of playing in college if that is what she wants.
Jul 16, 2008
If your DD does not want to play HS ball, she definitely has the option to run track for her school and play travel in the summer. Will not interfere at all and does not hurt her chances of playing in college if that is what she wants.

This ^^^^ Not to mention, the track coach may teach her how to sprint correctly which will only help on the basepaths
Nov 26, 2010
Track is a surprisingly fun sport for the kids in MS. At meets you hang around for 3 hours with the other girls looking at the boys in their track outfits, while the boys are looking at the girls. Then you run your race and you are done in 13 seconds. Go back to looking at boys until they run the 4X100 relay.

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