Curveball speed

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Sep 18, 2023
DD just started learning curveball and tried pitching it in the last two games. The movement and spin looked fine but I would say her speed was about 4 to 5 mph slower with it vs her fastball or screwball. Is that drop in speed normal for a curveball or is it probably more related to the fact that she just started learning that specific pitch? Her screwball and fastball speed are pretty comparable so I just thought her curve would be more aligned with her screwball speed.
Apr 26, 2019
My daughter isn't a pitcher so the only thing I have to go on is baseball. But in that case, yes. An overhand curve is typically quite a bit slower than a pitcher's fastball.
Jun 4, 2024
DD just started learning curveball
Give that time.
Comfortable is part of the equation!
Add it's also good to have varying pitch speeds. Control is important.

Add this reminder.
Fastballs are NOT always the fastest pitch in sb.
Often other pitches are faster.
Particularly with Drops, Rises
Jun 20, 2015
okay, i've gotta ask. most people agree that it takes 6 months practice min before new pitch is game ready. Why would you let any pitcher that just started learning a new pitch, use in games????
Sep 18, 2023
okay, i've gotta ask. most people agree that it takes 6 months practice min before new pitch is game ready. Why would you let any pitcher that just started learning a new pitch, use in games????
Not my decision. Middle School coach asked all our pitchers at the start of the season what pitches everyone knew and what pitches they were working on. My DD has repeatedly told him every time she has taken the mound that she is still in the process of learning curve ball and that it is her least effective pitch. However, even with her constantly reminding him that, this last game he called about 70% curveballs. I'm not joking at all. He only called 4 fastballs over 3 innings. It was mostly curveball supplemented with screwball. Her screwball is great but he loves to call curve. Needless to say, it got hit ALOT lol.


DFP Vendor
Jun 29, 2021
A middle school pitcher with four pitches??? Come on. No disrespect meant towards your daughter, but I would go back to basics. Focus on the fastball and change, especially at that age. Master them first before you move to a movement pitch.
Sep 19, 2018
a softball curveball is much more akin to a baseball slider. We've never clocked my DD curve but there is not that large of a difference in speed between her fastball& drop (same speed) and her curve. Having said that DD's PC wants her to start playing with throwing the curve as a off speed.

As for using it in games, why not? I feel like my DD has learned more pitching from her own mistakes, than the mindlessly throwing what someone else told her to. I see that the coach is calling it.
Sep 18, 2023
A middle school pitcher with four pitches??? Come on. No disrespect meant towards your daughter, but I would go back to basics. Focus on the fastball and change, especially at that age. Master them first before you move to a movement pitch.
To each their own. She's almost 14 so I don't think it's that unusual. She naturally throws a screwball with the way she releases so she actually was doing that pitch first compared to a true fastball spin. Then she learned change up and now working on curve.


DFP Vendor
Jun 29, 2021
To each their own. She's almost 14 so I don't think it's that unusual. She naturally throws a screwball with the way she releases so she actually was doing that pitch first compared to a true fastball spin. Then she learned change up and now working on curve.
I'm just being honest. Most MLB starters don't learn a fourth pitch until they're in the majors.

Master the basics first. You have plenty of pitching experts on here who will agree. I'm not trying to give you a hard time. I am just trying to pass down valuable lessons my daughter learned in her pitching journey.
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Dec 2, 2013
When coach calls a curve. Tell your DD to throw an outside fastball. See what happens. Lord knows, kids can't always locate or tell their pitches what to do at that age.

When I called for a particular kid, it took about an inning or two to figure out what she is actually pitching. I would call for a curve and it would act like a rise. When I wanted a rise, I called for a curve!

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