College Majors?

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Softball Dad
Apr 23, 2014
Pittsburgh PA
Mine has been saying for the last few years she wants to be an Astrophysicist and recently she has thrown in Chemical Engineer. 6 more years till college.
Jan 3, 2014
When my DD was much younger, she wanted to be a bus driver. She's off that now, but still has no idea what she wants to do. It's amazing to me that we push kids so young to make such huge life decisions. She's only 13, how in the world should she know what she wants to do? At a clinic, she was asked by a college coach what she wanted to do with her life and what schools she was looking at. Her answer was the honest truth. "Coach, I have no idea yet. I do know I want to go to college somewhere, but don't know what I want to do with the rest of my life. I do know I love softball and I work hard to improve all the time, but I think I work harder on my grades." She told me the coach smiled and said, "Great answer kid."


Softball Dad
Apr 23, 2014
Pittsburgh PA
Some kids are pushed and some like my DD and DS just know. My DS wants to be a Paleontologist. I cant even spell the careers they have in mind, but he has said from age 6 and she has known at age 8. Heck I still don't know what I want to do when I grow up!

I think your DD gave the perfect answer to the question asked of her!
Aug 29, 2011
Some kids are pushed and some like my DD and DS just know. My DS wants to be a Paleontologist. I cant even spell the careers they have in mind, but he has said from age 6 and she has known at age 8. Heck I still don't know what I want to do when I grow up!

I think your DD gave the perfect answer to the question asked of her!

He may change his mind. My son wanted to go to UC Berkeley for as long as I can recall but when he was accepted by UCB and Cal-poly SLO his was more impressed with SLO's engineering department and campus and chose to go there.

My older DD wants "to go into engineering because she wants to build bridges" we'll see if that's still the case next year when she applies to colleges. She will not be playing SB.

My youngest (10) has no clue what she wants to do. Which OK for a 10 year old.
Nov 26, 2010
Mine told me in ninth grade that she was not interested in playing ball in college. She is waiting to hear from university of Michigan she was accepted at her backup school. She intends to complete a 5 year masters program the 4 year degree would be electrical engineer the masters would be biomedical engineering
Oct 3, 2009
Not to worry Abbygale, yours is the least likely in the whole thread to have incorrectly predicted her future degree. ;)

Very true! The whole recruiting process is truly that a process. And as that process unfolds it definitely is a learning process even about what schools fit and degrees. And it can change significantly.

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