College Majors?

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Oct 3, 2009
My DD who is a 2016 that is committed texted me this today. The following is a direct quote:

"Dad I have been thinking. I want to double major in International Studies and Religion with a minor in Philosophy. I am thinking my interdisciplinary opportunity will be Big Problems with a specialization either in French or Arabic."

I find this interesting because when the whole recruiting process started I was worried softball would dominate the decision. Now I wonder how she will find time to play softball. :eek:

Just curious what other DDs are looking at as college majors?
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
I've determined unscientifically that 92.7 percent of travel softball players at some point plan to major in exercise science, personal training, kenisliology or something like that. Not all of them actually do, but at some point, they will say they will.
Oct 3, 2009
DD majoring in business. Plans to become grad assistant and work with pitchers to pay for her MBA.

I LOVE stories like this one. I think waaay too often people assume good athletes just select a school based on athletics alone. I believe many girls have a longer term plan that includes a serious focus on their future that happens to include a school they would love to play softball for. There are life lessons in all this including parents checking their egos.

I get the "Oh she is playing D3?" I just smile and say yep with no explanation. She has her plan and she is beyond excited. So RB, I love your DDs story and her long term view.
Dec 20, 2012
Dd is sociology major, really no interference in ball at all. And if you can coax the coaches into a couple semesters of summer school then all the better.
Oct 3, 2009
Dd is sociology major, really no interference in ball at all. And if you can coax the coaches into a couple semesters of summer school then all the better.
Sling I know I am hijacking my own thread. But this older post of yours hit very very close to home and I have I thought about it often. I quote it in its entirety below but this line captures me EXACTLY: "My work week was nothing more than passing time til her next tournament." And yes Sling like you I have spent long hours with my DD, sometimes fighting. sometimes laughing, and sometimes crying. But most importantly getting the opportunity to spend 10x more time together than most parents and children have the privilege to do. For all those who have not read Slings post below I encourage you to do it and I defy you not to see yourself in the post!!!!

Slings full post:
Spent the last week driving over 2000 miles taking my DD to college. All you parents appreciate and enjoy the time you have with your kids because you will blink and they are gone. We were joined at the hip since the day she was born and that never changed til now. I changed 90% of the diapers, woke up most every night with her, took her when I played basketball, you name it we were together. Then softball started and it did not change. She played and I coached, she started pitching and I started catching. Driving an hour to practice and and an hour back 6 days a week together. Getting up 5 am to get ice chest filled, tent packed, check the gear and go watch ball all weekend. My work week was nothing more than passing time til her next tournament. When she got older it was road trips to camps and clinics. All day clinic in Denton, TX on Sat and another in Lawrence, KS on the following Sunday. It was not all roses, we had more tears shed over softball than any other reason in our lives. I was THAT dad and she some how was able to succeed despite me. Was not able to make as many games this summer as I would have liked but cherish the ones I made. We fought like cats and dogs half of our trip to college and laughed like crazy the other. Some would see us and think that we hated one another but it was 180 of that. Not saying it was all because softball but it was something we both loved and kept us close. I'm really just rambling on but my point is enjoy it while you can because eventually it will come to an end. Fortunately i have 4 years to watch her play college ball but it will never be the same as me and her working, practicing, traveling together.
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Dec 20, 2012
Sling I know I am hijacking my own thread. But this older post of yours hit very very close to home and I have I thought about it often. I quote it in its entirety below but this line captures me EXACTLY: "My work week was nothing more than passing time til her next tournament." And yes Sling like you I have spent long hours with my DD, sometimes fighting. sometimes laughing, and sometimes crying. But most importantly getting the opportunity to spend 10x more time together than most parents and children have the privilege to do. For all those who have not read Slings post below I encourage you to do it and I defy you not to see yourself in the post!!!!

Slings full post:
Spent the last week driving over 2000 miles taking my DD to college. All you parents appreciate and enjoy the time you have with your kids because you will blink and they are gone. We were joined at the hip since the day she was born and that never changed til now. I changed 90% of the diapers, woke up most every night with her, took her when I played basketball, you name it we were together. Then softball started and it did not change. She played and I coached, she started pitching and I started catching. Driving an hour to practice and and an hour back 6 days a week together. Getting up 5 am to get ice chest filled, tent packed, check the gear and go watch ball all weekend. My work week was nothing more than passing time til her next tournament. When she got older it was road trips to camps and clinics. All day clinic in Denton, TX on Sat and another in Lawrence, KS on the following Sunday. It was not all roses, we had more tears shed over softball than any other reason in our lives. I was THAT dad and she some how was able to succeed despite me. Was not able to make as many games this summer as I would have liked but cherish the ones I made. We fought like cats and dogs half of our trip to college and laughed like crazy the other. Some would see us and think that we hated one another but it was 180 of that. Not saying it was all because softball but it was something we both loved and kept us close. I'm really just rambling on but my point is enjoy it while you can because eventually it will come to an end. Fortunately i have 4 years to watch her play college ball but it will never be the same as me and her working, practicing, traveling together.

I appreciate the kind words! I know my story is no different than many of the others on this site. But you are exactly right, I think most sports parents spend much more time with their kids than the average family. And I hope we all consider ourselves very lucky to have the time and resources to spend that time with our kids.

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