Chapman and the Mask?

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Aug 21, 2011
38°41'44"N 121°9'47.5"W
Ok. That is one coach. Sure there are others. What is your point?

One top level coach that I have personally heard say it at a coaching clinic. I have, however, never heard a top level college coach say the opposite. What I have heard is several TB coaches say that is what college coaches are saying. When I ask them for names, they get a bit defensive, but they cannot produce the names.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
These comments are typically not from clinics but from numerous one on one conversations regarding a specific recruit. Usually something to the effect of "she is still wearing a mask?" or the ever popular "she needs to lose the mask". Can you get a ride wearing a mask? Yes. Are there coaches will not look at player with a mask. Yes. Do I like it? Not at all.


Stingrays Gold
Mar 20, 2013
Sunny Orlando Florida
Says who? Heather Tarr said a few years back (before the Inglesby incident) that she could care less what they wear as long as they can field their position.

Says just about every college coach I have ever spoke to about this. Before last summer I had two middle infielders that wore masks because of previous injuries - bad ones. While on the showcase circuit the first question I was asked about those two players was why do they wear them. When explained, the second question was when would they stop. The D1 coaches in this area flat out said the SS needed to play without it if she wanted to play D1. She stopped using it and has since verballed. No offers prior to that. Our second base verballed after the fall she was told by our local D1 school to lose the mask. She verballed elsewhere - but she had no offers prior to that. The only player we currently have that wears a mask is a 2016 pitcher. This will be her first summer playing in front of coaches from all over the country. She is an "Ivy" type player - so we will see what those coaches comments are.

Just like riseball - I would rather players wear them. But I can not mandate it. My job is to get the players in college. And the level of colleges that our players will attend frown on masks - like it or not. Hopefully things change as the old school coaches give way to the younger more progressive coaches.


Jun 22, 2008
OK - let me try this another way.

ASA has determined bat manufacturers can not produce bats that have an exit speed (the speed in which a batted ball leaves the bat) of more than 95 mph. Those in the sport realize that many players can not reach that speed but even the younger kids achieve 90+. The top line players actually exceed that number as the bats are fully broken in. So my point is simply this....

Actually, it has been and still is 98mph. However, that is a maximum that many, if not most, players, youth or adult ever see. People this just because it is the "fastest" they've ever seen, it must exceed the max when in reality, it may not even be close.

* A batted ball from a youth softball player hit back to the youth softball pitcher throwing 60 mph from approx 43 feet away (probably 38 ft actually) exits the bat at 95mph

* A batted ball from a 25+ year old professional MLB player hit back at a professional 25+ year old professional pitcher throwing approx 100 mph from 60'6 (actually about 51') exits the bat at 115 mph (and hits said pitcher at 105 mph).

So question #1 is what is the comparison of reaction time on both - bat to pitcher?

Question #2 is are we expecting youth players to have the same reaction time as professionals or college players?

Absurd comparison since the equipment is not the same, and is some cases, not even similar other than shape.


Stingrays Gold
Mar 20, 2013
Sunny Orlando Florida
Absurd comparison since the equipment is not the same, and is some cases, not even similar other than shape.

LOL - what is absurd about two questions aimed at reaction times? Seems to me that ESPN did an entire show about the reaction time between baseball and softball hitters? Why can't I/We ask about reaction time to field a batted ball?


Jun 22, 2008
With you 100%. Which is why I discourage my players from wearing them. Not that I agree with it but they are just not readily accepted at the college level.

When the college coaches are going to cover the premium for all players' health insurance, they can render an opinion. :)


Jun 22, 2008
LOL - what is absurd about two questions aimed at reaction times? Seems to me that ESPN did an entire show about the reaction time between baseball and softball hitters? Why can't I/We ask about reaction time to field a batted ball?

Wow, ESPN did it, so it must be valid? :)

This does not involve baseball, but may provide some insight to equipment testing and ball speeds.


24 minutes, but informative


Stingrays Gold
Mar 20, 2013
Sunny Orlando Florida
Wow, ESPN did it, so it must be valid? :)

This does not involve baseball, but may provide some insight to equipment testing and ball speeds.


24 minutes, but informative

Dude - do you even read what is posted before responding. ESPN did one of those "scientific studies" to determine the relationship between what the reaction time of a softball hitter and a baseball hitter was when the pitch speeds are relative. It was very interesting and well produced.

Thanks for the link - will check it out.
Feb 1, 2012
X years ago baseball catchers were going out there with a board straped to there legs. Shinguards were not invented.
X years ago BB pitchers could take sandpaper, spit, get the ball dirty and use the same ball the whole game.
X years ago the mound was lowerd to help the batters.
X years ago BB batters didn't wear batting helmets.
X years ago BB mits didn't close.
X years ago Football players didn't wear pads.
X years ago football players wore leather helmets.
Hocky players and no helmets.
Golf clubs were made of wood and not titanium with graphite shafts made to fit your swing.
They changed composite baseball bats to a drop 3.
Soccer players didn't have shoes that were sticky on the sides to help controll the ball.
Softball players didn't have a mask on batting helmets.

The list can go on and on. Sports change. Now days you can but special gloves to help you catch and throw a football. Special shoes to help you run faster, make quicker cuts, and jump higher.

We use video and the internet to help our kids have a better swing, throw harder, field the ball better, pitch faster with more break on the ball. We get on DFP to be better informed as coaches and parents.

We have 300 sports chanels on the TV.

Games evolve. I think facemask are an evolution of the game. Do you think a football coach is out there saying he isn't going to recrute a wide out cause he wears gloves?

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