Camps for an 8th grader?

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Jun 8, 2016
Agree with this - but I highly doubt the 14th player on any team would be a core player at a big name SB program.
Of course. My comment was more toward the idea that only pitchers get “full rides”. Obviously they are not all getting full athletic scholarships but they are not taking out loans OU at least.
Aug 5, 2022
I asked one of the Bandits parents why they travelled so far to play with them when there was a strong team closer to them. He said because even the 14th girl on the Bandits team (guessing 18-U) will get a full ride.

I wonder how true that is. Plus what % of players make it through the org from 13-U to 18-U?

lol that’s delusional…there are a lot of softball players on combination full rides in the bandits program and other top programs but very few even from the top players on athletic full rides.

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May 17, 2023
Get an autograph for me…?

Since Drop failed you I did ask. She said autographs are $20 each and I wasn't sure how good your credit was ?‍♂️ .

Think she was mad because they got bounced in first game Sun. Or maybe me describing you as that guy who sits in CF creeped her out.
Jan 1, 2023
Since Drop failed you I did ask. She said autographs are $20 each and I wasn't sure how good your credit was ?‍♂️ .

Think she was mad because they got bounced in first game Sun. Or maybe me describing you as that guy who sits in CF creeped her out.
She got us this time. Hit a nice change-up from my DD for a triple in the 1st inning. Their coach told me she hit one out on this field, and this was like a 235 field with a tall fence.

Lost 2-1 in finals to them again. We had tying runner on 3rd and our girl hit a shot and their 3rd basement made the best play I’ve seen at this level for the final out.
May 17, 2023
Had been wondering where our friend a few posts up had been the past few weeks, then noticed the name change :oops: .

Anyone know if that is a permanent vacation or just a brief one? 16k posts is a lot.....

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