Calling off other fielders

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Aug 10, 2016
I was making a video of DD's hitting/fielding for this past HS season. She plays OF and RF primarily. I noticed about mid season, when a ball comes her way, she's started to like wave off the CF. When I showed her some of the videos, she said she didn't even realize she had started to do it. They teach them to yell "ball ball" but thought it was interesting to see her doing that. She really only seems to do it on those that come somewhat close to infield and ones where she doesn't have to sprint to the ball.

It feels like she has more confidence - she tends to back off to the other players - so seeing her take charge is nice.
Apr 20, 2018
I like players to call the ball early and loud even if there is zero chance of another fielder's involvement. By doing so, they take ownership, increase focus, remove doubt and have a greater chance at making the play. The game is mental.
Dec 2, 2013
Anyone notice the play last night where the fly ball was hit in RCF. Tucker and Mccormack converging on the play. Very last second Tucker takes a peek at McCormack and notices he wasn't calling it. Uh Oh! Tucker catches it. CF has priority over RF.
Jun 8, 2016
Anyone notice the play last night where the fly ball was hit in RCF. Tucker and Mccormack converging on the play. Very last second Tucker takes a peek at McCormack and notices he wasn't calling it. Uh Oh! Tucker catches it. CF has priority over RF.
Yes. To be fair McCormack was shifted over to left center but still it's his ball if he thinks he can get it.
Sep 22, 2021
Sioux Falls, SD
I was making a video of DD's hitting/fielding for this past HS season. She plays OF and RF primarily. I noticed about mid season, when a ball comes her way, she's started to like wave off the CF. When I showed her some of the videos, she said she didn't even realize she had started to do it. They teach them to yell "ball ball" but thought it was interesting to see her doing that. She really only seems to do it on those that come somewhat close to infield and ones where she doesn't have to sprint to the ball.

It feels like she has more confidence - she tends to back off to the other players - so seeing her take charge is nice.
Good stuff, hey as long as she's loud and we avoid collisions we all good.

I know I've mentioned this in past posts, but we always have our outfielders yell ball ball ball, and infielders call mine mine mine. Infielders hear ball ball ball, they peel off immediately! Saves everyones life in those deadzones!!
Jun 11, 2012
As long as she’s communicating to the CF it’s fine but if CF is charging hard & calling it she should back off as CF has priority.
That being said if she calls it and CF doesn’t she shouldn’t then decide that she isn’t going to get it.
DD is CF in college and has had issues with RF & LF calling balls and then not getting them because they see her coming to back up and assume she’ll get it even if she didn’t call it.

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