Bucket Dad Pain

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Feb 25, 2009
We were doing the ropes across the strike zone for high and low and so, on one of the high pitches, dd tiped the rope and somehow it caught my left ear. Darn thing blead for a long time. DD laughed. Said the rope was my idea. Have to admit it is funny now.

Few can understand the relationship of a bucket parent and their child. You have to have done it. Man I don't miss the bruises but I do miss the talks.
Jan 4, 2012
We were doing the ropes across the strike zone for high and low and so, on one of the high pitches, dd tiped the rope and somehow it caught my left ear. Darn thing blead for a long time. DD laughed. Said the rope was my idea. Have to admit it is funny now.

Few can understand the relationship of a bucket parent and their child. You have to have done it. Man I don't miss the bruises but I do miss the talks.

Might want to use a Chinese jump rope...
Feb 3, 2010
Pac NW
Tonight I got hit three times in the same leg. I was tasked with taking a couple pitcher into the brand new bull pen. The surface was very uneven and hard. These kids are 10U and quite a bit slower than DD, who I haven't needed to gear up for.... yet.

All three were bad bounces of the rough surface. Two weren't bad, but one hit a vein on the shin and blew it out. When I finally calmed down enough to look, it was as it someone put a slug under my skin! Had to stop practice and show it off to the team! I gave the girl a big high five and we got back to biz---shin guards still in the truck...

Side note: towards the end of practice, a gentleman stepped up to me and asked if he could run some pitching clinics at our park. Immediately skeptical, I asked what he taught. He gave a deep laugh, then I asked his name. "John Gay." I'd thought I'd recognized him but dismissed it thinking he still lived in AZ. Looking forward to passing on my kids to him
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Jun 24, 2013
Took one in the toe at the last tourney, swore 3 toes were broken, but luckily only the big toe was impacted. Not broken, but swollen and I might lose the nail. This is from my DD who is 12 and just now hitting 55 with the 12 ball. I remember in 10U when she was hitting 50+ with the 11 ball, she was at a rec league game and the umpire was debating whether or not to put on his protective gear. After one warm up pitch he said "I'm going to my car, be right back!"
Looks like steel toe boots/shoes, shin guards and cup are in order. I already use facemask.
P.S. I HATE catching those drop balls (well attempting to catch those drop balls). I swear my DD can add 5+ mph on those!
Nov 26, 2010
With the steel toe shoes must wear the cup. I learned this the hard way as a drop ball bounced off the hard toe and straight up the leg. The good news is, the toe didn't hurt at all.
Jul 16, 2008
Tonight I got hit three times in the same leg. I was tasked with taking a couple pitcher into the brand new bull pen. The surface was very uneven and hard. These kids are 10U and quite a bit slower than DD, who I haven't needed to gear up for.... yet.

All three were bad bounces of the rough surface. Two weren't bad, but one hit a vein on the shin and blew it out. When I finally calmed down enough to look, it was as it someone put a slug under my skin! Had to stop practice and show it off to the team! I gave the girl a big high five and we got back to biz---shin guards still in the truck...

Side note: towards the end of practice, a gentleman stepped up to me and asked if he could run some pitching clinics at our park. Immediately skeptical, I asked what he taught. He gave a deep laugh, then I asked his name. "John Gay." I'd thought I'd recognized him but dismissed it thinking he still lived in AZ. Looking forward to passing on my kids to him

WOW, I didn't know he was still around either. that would be great!!!
Feb 13, 2010
North Louisiana
A shot to my shin two weeks ago still has my ankle and foot bruised up. I did get off the bucket and go to a lower step stool. It seems to help me handle the lower balls and also helps my dd work the knees better.
Nov 1, 2008
I took a bad bounce to the inside of my left thigh last week. It left a solid purple bruise about an inch larger than the ball. It has already faded to that nice yellow/green shade and still hurts pretty bad. It's by far the worst bruise she's given me so far.
Jun 1, 2013
Warming pitcher up between innings, ball in the dirt bounced right between my legs in front of crowd. I double up and make it off the field and sit down for several minutes. Crowd snickering when I finally made it back to my own dugout! Talk about embarrassing. Now if it starts low, I bail out.
Jul 13, 2013
A few years ago during one or our TB team practices, one of the AC volunteered to warm up my DD. He has two older sons who pitched for their travel baseball teams, but his DD was not a pitcher and I am not sure if he had ever caught a softball pitcher in his life. First pitch my DD threw him tipped off the top of his glove and he ended up with 8 stitches in the forehead.

Boy, I can relate to this! I stopped warming up our pitchers once they hit 14U. Reflexes had lost just enough and pitchers had gained a little speed - a bad combination. Couldn't get glove up quite fast enough to get fastball going right for my face. Fortunately was able to tip it past my ear. No more of that!!!

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